1. Installation
npm i [email protected]
2. Import
import { Form, Field } from 'vee-validate'
3. Define verification rules (it is best to encapsulate js files separately in the utils folder)
// Create a js file for exportexport default { // Check item account account (value) { if (!value) return 'Can't be empty'// Conditional judgment, return true // Finally, all pass must be returned true }, password (value) { if (!value) return 'Please enter your password' if (!/^\w{6,24}$/.test(value)) return 'The password is 6-24 characters' return true }, mobile (value) { if (!value) return 'Please enter your mobile phone number' if (!/^1[3-9]\d{9}$/.test(value)) return 'Mobile phone number format error' return true }, code (value) { if (!value) return 'Please enter the verification code' if (!/^\d{6}$/.test(value)) return 'The verification code is 6 numbers' return true }, isAgree (value) { if (!value) return 'Please check to agree to the user agreement' return true } }
4. Use Form components to configure verification rules and error objects (form and Field are both exported on demand from the plug-in)
// validation-schema="mySchema" configures verification rules// v-slot: Export the error object<Form :validation-schema="mySchema" v-slot="{ errors }" > <!-- Form Elements --> </Form> <script> import schema from '@/utils/vee-validate-schema' setup () { // Form object data const form = reactive({ account: null, // account password: null // password }) // Verify rule object const mySchema = { account: , password: } return { form, mySchema } } </script>
5. Use the Field component to add form item verification
//1. Change input to `Field` component and parse it into input by default//2. `Field` adds the name attribute, which is used to specify which verification rule in the schema is used//3. `Field` adds v-model, which is used to provide two-way binding of form data//4. A form verification error occurred, the error class name `error` was displayed, and the red border was prompted <Field v-model="" name="account" type="text" placeholder="Please enter a username" :class="{ error: }" // If the error message is returned, the class error is displayed as true /> <!-- <input type="text" placeholder="Please enter a username" /> -->
6. Supplementary form data and verification rule data
// Form bound dataconst form = reactive({ account: null, // account password: null, // password isAgree: true // Whether to select}) // Declare the verification data rules required for the current formconst curSchema = reactive({ account: , // account password: , // password isAgree: // Whether to select})
The above is the detailed content of the simple use of the Vue vee-validate plug-in. For more information about the Vue vee-validate plug-in, please follow my other related articles!