Updated on 2025-03-09

Simple use of Vue vee-validate plugin

1. Installation

2. Import

import { Form, Field } from 'vee-validate'

3. Define verification rules (it is best to encapsulate js files separately in the utils folder)

// Create a js file for exportexport default {
  // Check item account  account (value) {
    if (!value) return 'Can't be empty'// Conditional judgment,    return true // Finally, all pass must be returned true  },
  password (value) {
    if (!value) return 'Please enter your password'
    if (!/^\w{6,24}$/.test(value)) return 'The password is 6-24 characters'
    return true
  mobile (value) {
    if (!value) return 'Please enter your mobile phone number'
    if (!/^1[3-9]\d{9}$/.test(value)) return 'Mobile phone number format error'
    return true
  code (value) {
    if (!value) return 'Please enter the verification code'
    if (!/^\d{6}$/.test(value)) return 'The verification code is 6 numbers'
    return true
  isAgree (value) {
    if (!value) return 'Please check to agree to the user agreement'
    return true

4. Use Form components to configure verification rules and error objects (form and Field are both exported on demand from the plug-in)

// validation-schema="mySchema" configures verification rules// v-slot: Export the error object<Form
  v-slot="{ errors }"
 <!-- Form Elements -->

  import schema from '@/utils/vee-validate-schema'
  setup () {
    // Form object data    const form = reactive({
      account: null, // account      password: null // password    })
    // Verify rule object    const mySchema = {
      account: ,
    return { form, mySchema }

5. Use the Field component to add form item verification

//1. Change input to `Field` component and parse it into input by default//2. `Field` adds the name attribute, which is used to specify which verification rule in the schema is used//3. `Field` adds v-model, which is used to provide two-way binding of form data//4. A form verification error occurred, the error class name `error` was displayed, and the red border was prompted
      placeholder="Please enter a username"
      :class="{ error:  }" // If the error message is returned, the class error is displayed as true    />
    <!-- <input type="text" placeholder="Please enter a username" /> -->

6. Supplementary form data and verification rule data

// Form bound dataconst form = reactive({
  account: null, // account  password: null, // password  isAgree: true // Whether to select})

// Declare the verification data rules required for the current formconst curSchema = reactive({
  account: , // account  password: , // password  isAgree:  // Whether to select})

The above is the detailed content of the simple use of the Vue vee-validate plug-in. For more information about the Vue vee-validate plug-in, please follow my other related articles!