Updated on 2025-03-09

SpringBoot integrates Java DL4J to implement sentiment analysis system

1. Introduction

In today's digital age, enterprises are paying more and more attention to user feedback to continuously improve products and services. Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology provides powerful tools for analyzing user reviews. This article will explain how to use Spring Boot to integrate Java Deeplearning4j to build a sentiment analysis system to help businesses understand user satisfaction with their products or services and provide suggestions for improvement.

2. Technical Overview

(I) Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a framework for quickly building standalone, production-level Spring applications. It simplifies the development of Spring applications, provides features such as automatic configuration, start-up dependencies and built-in servers, allowing developers to focus on the implementation of business logic.

(II) Deeplearning4j

Deeplearning4j is a Java-based deep learning library that supports a variety of neural network architectures, including deep neural networks (Deep Neural Networks, DNN), convolutional neural network (Convolutional Neural Networks, CNN) and recurrent neural networks (Recurrent Neural Networks, RNN) etc. It provides efficient computing and training algorithms suitable for processing large-scale data.

(III) Emotional Analysis

Sentiment analysis is a natural language processing technique used to determine emotional tendencies in texts, such as positive, negative, or neutral. In this case, we will use sentiment analysis to analyze user evaluations of products or services to understand user satisfaction.

3. Neural network selection

In this case, we chose to use long and short-term memory networks in recurrent neural networks (RNNs) (Long Short-Term MemoryLSTM) to achieve sentiment analysis. The reasons for choosing LSTM are as follows:

(I) Processing sequence data

LSTM is able to process sequence data, such as text. In sentiment analysis, text is usually a sequence in which each word is related to the words before and after. LSTM can capture this sequence relationship to better understand the meaning of the text.

(II) Long-term dependence issue

Traditional neural networks will encounter long-term dependency problems when processing long-sequence data, that is, it is difficult to remember information from afar. LSTM can effectively solve this problem by introducing gate control mechanisms, and can remember long-term information, thereby better processing long texts.

(III) Strong generalization ability

LSTM has strong generalization ability when processing different types of text data. It can learn the characteristics of different texts, allowing accurate sentiment analysis of new texts.

IV. Dataset format

We will use a dataset containing user reviews to train and test sentiment analysis systems. The format of the dataset can be a CSV file, where each line represents a user review, containing two fields: the review content and the sentiment label. Emotional tags can be positive, negative, or neutral.

Here is an example table for a dataset:

Evaluation content Emotional tags
This product is very useful and I am very satisfied with it. positive
This service attitude is too bad and I am very dissatisfied. negative
This product is average and has no special feeling. neutral

In practical applications, the data set can be further cleaned and pre-processed according to specific needs and data sources to improve the accuracy of sentiment analysis.

5. Technology realization

(I) Maven dependency

In the project's file, you need to add the following Maven dependencies:


(II) Data preprocessing

Before conducting sentiment analysis, the data needs to be preprocessed, including steps such as text cleaning, word segmentation and vectorization.

  1. Text cleaning

    • Remove punctuation marks, special characters, stop words, etc. from text.
    • Text cleaning can be implemented using regular expressions or third-party libraries.
  2. Participle

    • Split text into words or phrases.
    • Open source word segmentation tools such as Jieba word segmentation or HanLP can be used.
  3. Vectorization

    • Convert the text after the word segmentation into a vector representation for processing by the neural network.
    • You can use methods such as Bag of Words, TF-IDF, or Word2Vec to vectorize.

Here is a sample code for data preprocessing:

import ;
import ;

import org.;
import org.;

public class DataPreprocessing {

    public static List&lt;String[]&gt; preprocessData(List&lt;String&gt; rawData) {
        List&lt;String[]&gt; processedData = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
        TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory = new DefaultTokenizerFactory();

        for (String rawText : rawData) {
            // Text cleaning            String cleanedText = cleanText(rawText);

            // Partial word            String[] tokens = (cleanedText).getTokens();

            // Add to processed data list            (tokens);

        return processedData;

    private static String cleanText(String text) {
        // Remove punctuation marks, special characters, stop words, etc.        return ("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "").toLowerCase();

(III) Building a neural network model

LSTM neural network model was constructed using Deeplearning4j for sentiment analysis.

Here is a sample code for building a neural network model:

import org.;
import org.;
import org.;
import org.;
import org.;
import org.;
import org.;
import org.;
import org.;

public class SentimentAnalysisModel {

    public static MultiLayerNetwork buildModel(int inputSize, int hiddenSize, int outputSize) {
        MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new ()
               .layer(0, new ().nIn(inputSize).nOut(hiddenSize).activation().weightInit().build())
               .layer(1, new ().activation().nIn(hiddenSize).nOut(outputSize).build())

        MultiLayerNetwork model = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);

        return model;

(IV) Training the model

The neural network model is trained using the preprocessed dataset.

Here is a sample code for training a model:

import ;

import org.;
import org.;
import org.;
import org.;
import org.;
import org..Nd4j;
import org.;

public class ModelTraining {

    public static void trainModel(MultiLayerNetwork model, List&lt;String[]&gt; trainingData, int numEpochs) {
        // Convert training data to dataset        DataSet trainingSet = convertToDataSet(trainingData);

        // Add training listener        (new ScoreIterationListener(100));

        for (int epoch = 0; epoch &lt; numEpochs; epoch++) {
            ("Epoch " + epoch + " completed.");

    private static DataSet convertToDataSet(List&lt;String[]&gt; data) {
        int numExamples = ();
        int maxSequenceLength = findMaxSequenceLength(data);
        int inputSize = findInputSize(data);

        INDArray input = (numExamples, maxSequenceLength, inputSize);
        INDArray labels = (numExamples, 3); // Assume that there are three types of emotional labels: positive, negative, and neutral
        for (int i = 0; i &lt; numExamples; i++) {
            String[] tokens = (i);
            int sequenceLength = ;

            for (int j = 0; j &lt; sequenceLength; j++) {
                // Convert words to vector representation and fill them into the input matrix                (new int[]{i, j, getWordIndex(tokens[j])}, 1.0);

            // Set tags            int labelIndex = getLabelIndex((i));
            (new int[]{i, labelIndex}, 1.0);

        return new DataSet(input, labels);

    private static int findMaxSequenceLength(List&lt;String[]&gt; data) {
        int maxLength = 0;
        for (String[] tokens : data) {
            maxLength = (maxLength, );
        return maxLength;

    private static int findInputSize(List&lt;String[]&gt; data) {
        // Suppose that the bag of words is used, the input size is the number of different words        return findUniqueWords(data).size();

    private static List&lt;String&gt; findUniqueWords(List&lt;String[]&gt; data) {
        List&lt;String&gt; uniqueWords = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
        for (String[] tokens : data) {
            for (String token : tokens) {
                if (!(token)) {
        return uniqueWords;

    private static int getWordIndex(String word) {
        // Return the index of the word according to the word list        return findUniqueWords().indexOf(word);

    private static int getLabelIndex(String[] tokens) {
        // Return the index of the tag based on the emotional tag        String label = tokens[ - 1];
        if (("positive")) {
            return 0;
        } else if (("negative")) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 2;

(V) Predict emotions

Use trained models to make sentiment predictions for new user reviews.

Here is a sample code for predicting emotions:

import org.;
import org.;
import org..Nd4j;

public class SentimentPrediction {

    public static String predictSentiment(MultiLayerNetwork model, String text) {
        // Preprocess text        String[] tokens = preprocessText(text);

        // Convert text to vector representation        INDArray input = (1, , findInputSize());
        for (int i = 0; i &lt; ; i++) {
            (new int[]{0, i, getWordIndex(tokens[i])}, 1.0);

        // Make predictions        INDArray output = (input);

        // Return to predicted emotional label        int labelIndex = (output, 1).getInt(0);
        if (labelIndex == 0) {
            return "positive";
        } else if (labelIndex == 1) {
            return "negative";
        } else {
            return "neutral";

    private static String[] preprocessText(String text) {
        // Preprocessing steps such as text cleaning and word segmentation        return ("[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]", "").toLowerCase().split(" ");

    private static int findInputSize() {
        // Suppose that the bag of words is used, the input size is the number of different words        return findUniqueWords().size();

    private static int getWordIndex(String word) {
        // Return the index of the word according to the word list        return findUniqueWords().indexOf(word);

    private static List&lt;String&gt; findUniqueWords() {
        // Assume that a list of different words has been calculated during the training phase        return null;

VI. Unit Test

To ensure the correctness of sentiment analysis systems, unit tests can be written to verify the functionality of each module.

Here is a sample code for a unit test:

import ;
import ;

import org.;
import ;
import ;

import static ;

public class SentimentAnalysisTest {

    private List&lt;String&gt; rawData;
    private MultiLayerNetwork model;

    public void setup() {
        // Prepare test data        rawData = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
        ("This product is very useful, I'm very satisfied. Positive");
        ("This service attitude is too bad, very dissatisfied. Negative");
        ("This product is average, without any special feeling. Neutral");

        // Build and train models        model = (10, 50, 3);
        (model, (rawData), 10);

    public void testPredictSentiment() {
        String text = "This product is pretty good.";
        String predictedSentiment = (model, text);
        assertEquals("positive", predictedSentiment);

Expected output: The unit test should pass, and the predicted emotional label should match the expected.

7. Summary

This article describes how to use Spring Boot to integrate Java Deeplearning4j to build a sentiment analysis system. By selecting an LSTM neural network, preprocessing user reviews, building models, training models, and predicting emotions can help companies understand user satisfaction with their products or services and provide improvement suggestions. In practical applications, the system can be further optimized and expanded according to specific needs and data characteristics.

The above is the detailed content of SpringBoot integrating Java DL4J to implement sentiment analysis system. For more information about SpringBoot Java DL4J sentiment analysis, please pay attention to my other related articles!