class pager{
//Pagination parameter configuration
private $config=array(
//Text text of home page button
//The text text of the previous page button,
"pre_btn_text"=>"Previous page",
//The text text on the next page
"next_btn_text"=>"Next Page",
//The text on the last page,
"last_btn_text"=>"last page",
//Total number of records *Required
//Page size per page
//Current page number *Required
//The maximum number of buttons displayed per page
//The name of the page number passing the value in the browser is page
// Whether the URL is rewrited? Default is to flase
//url rewriting rules, for example, page/{page}, where {page} represents the number of pages
//The css name of the pagination container
//The class name of the current page button
//Pagination text description of the span tag css
/* Detailed text for jump
*totle represents the total number of pages,
*size represents the number per page
* goto represents the input box to jump
* record represents the total number of records
* index represents the current page number
"jump_info_text"=>"Total {totle} pages, {size} records per page, jump to {goto} page",
//Text of jump button
// Whether to display jump
//Whether to display the previous buttons Home & Previous page
//Whether to display the buttons next page & last page
* class constructor
* $config:Configuration of this pagination class
public function __construct($config)
function __destruct()
* Construct the paged main function
public function builder_pager()
//Pagination string
//Size per page
//Get a total number of pages
//The current page number is set to 1 if it is 0
//If the current page number is greater than or equal to the last page, the current page number is set to the last page
//The next page number
//Get the URL that needs to be redirected
//Add the beginning div
$pager_arr[]="<div class=\"$classname\">\n";
//Add html for the first two buttons
//If the current page number is 1, the front button will be disabled
//The beginning of the currently displayed page number 1~10 1 11~20 11
//The end of the currently displayed page number
//Add html to jump to the previous layer
//Principal page number part
//If this is the current page
//Add the next layer of html
//Add html with the next two buttons
//If the current page number is the last page, the last buttons will be disabled
//Add jump html
"<input type=\"input\" id=\"jumpNum\" style=\"width:20px;\" name=\"jump\" value=\"".$pager_next."\" />\n",
//Replace specific tags to make jump
$pager_arr[]="<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" style=\"float:none;\" onclick=\"javascript:jump();\">".$this->config['jump_btn_text']."</a></span>\n";
return implode($pager_arr);
* Get the URL that needs to be processed, supports rewriting configuration, and urls with various parameters
private function get_url()
//If you set the url rewrite
//Get the URL where the call file is located
//Get the network directory where the url is called
//Directly attach the directory to rewrite rules to form a new url
//Get the absolute url of the current calling page
//The name of the page parameter passed in the browser
//What if the url contains php? The string of the pager needs to be replaced
//If there is a word page=xxx
//Replace the number in the word page=*** with {0}
// Directly attach parameters to form the complete url of the page
return $url;
* Get the html with tag a
*$url: the html to which the tag a is to be directed
*$title:a tag title
**$attr:A additional attribute on the tag can be written without writing
private static function get_a_html($url,$title,$attr="")
return "<a href='$url' $attr style=\"margin-right:5px;\">$title</a>\n";
* Get the html of the span tag
* Text in $num:span, that is, page number
* $classname:span tag class name
private static function get_span_html($num,$classname)
return "<span class=\"" .$classname. "\">$num</span>\n";
* Format url
* $url Original url
* $page page number
private static function format_url($url,$page)
return preg_replace("/\{page\}$/",$page,$url);
*Initialize the page configuration file
*If the key value is not included in the parameter, the declared value is used by default.
private function init_config($config)
//Judge whether the value exists, is an array, or contains records
foreach($config as $key=>$val)
* Methods to construct jump function scripts
*$url: Which url needs to be redirected
private function get_jumpscript($url)
$scriptstr = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n".
"function jump(){\n".
"var jnum=(\"jumpNum\").value;\n".
"alert(\"Please enter the number in the jump box!\");\n".
"var re=/\{page\}/\n".
return $scriptstr;
* Functions similar to format methods in .net are constructed in php
* Usage: format("hello,{0},{1},{2}", 'x0','x1','x2')
private function format() {
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) == 0) { return;}
if (count($args) == 1) { return $args[0]; }
$str = array_shift($args);
$str = preg_replace_callback('/\\{(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\}/', create_function('$match', '$args = '.var_export($args, true).'; return isset($args[$match[1]]) ? $args[$match[1]] : $match[0];'), $str);
return $str;