Updated on 2025-03-09

PHP formatting MYSQL to return float type

This article describes the method of PHP formatting MYSQL to return float type. Share it for your reference, as follows:

Get the float field of mysql in PHP. After echo output, the decimal part contains multiple 0s.

You can use floatval($num) to discard 0.

To retain decimal places, use number_format($num, 2);

The number_format function rounds up the value exceeding the specified number of digits.

If you don't want to round, keep all decimals. The following methods can be used:

// If you want to keep only two decimal places, you can use number_format($num, 2);echo f('1001.334534', 2) . '<br>'; // 1001.334534
echo f('-1001.000', 2) . '<br>'; // -1001.00
echo f('1001.3', 5) . '<br>'; // 1001.30000
echo f('1001.33') . '<br>'; // 1001.33
echo f('1001.000') . '<br>'; // 1001
// Format the decimals, but not round it. If there are decimals, it will be retained, and if there are no decimals, it will be added 0;function f($num, $v = 0)
  $num = floatval($num);
  if ($v > 0)
    $num = '' . $num;
    $arr = explode('.', $num);
    if (count($arr) === 1)
      $num .= '.' . str_repeat('0', $v);
      $v -= strlen($arr[1]);
      if ($v > 0)
        $num .= str_repeat('0', $v);
  return $num;

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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's PHP programming.