Navicat is a series of graphical database management and development software for MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Oracle, SQLite, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server produced by * Zhuolang Digital Technology Co., Ltd. It has a browser-like graphical user interface that supports multiple connections to local and remote databases. It is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of users, from database administrators and programmers to a variety of different businesses or companies that serve customers and share information with partners. –wikipedia
Reference tutorial:
Navicat Premium 15 permanent crack activation tool and installation tutorial (you can use it for personal testing)
Environment list
- Navicat package, official website teleportation array
- Navicat-Keygen tool (relying on the following three libraries)
keystone (cmake is required)
- AppImage Packaging Tool
Environmental preparation
Navicat package download
/s/1dCSChAD1hVGzLsZ5ZcOE3gExtraction code: 6dhe
Prepare Navicat-Keygen's compilation environment
sudo apt install libcapstone-dev
# Install the compilation tool cmakesudo apt install cmake # Get the keystone source code and compile and installcd /home/ git clone /keystone-engine/ cd keystone # Create a build directory to store the library files compiled by keystonemkdir build cd build ../ # Install keystone dynamic librarysudo make install # Execute the dconfig dynamic link library to be shared by the systemsudo ldconfig
sudo apt install rapidjson-dev
Compile and install Navicat-Keygen
# downloadcd /home/ git clone -b linux --single-branch /Orginly/ cd navicat-keygen make all # Authorize navicat-pacher and navicat-keygensudo chmod a+x bin/*
Download AppImage Packaging Tool and Authorize
# downloadcd /home/ wget '/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/continuous/appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage' # Authorizationsudo chmod a+x appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage
Extract AppImage file
# Move to /home/ directory, enter the AppImage directory, open the terminal and execute itmv /home/ mkdir navicat15-premium-cs sudo mount -o loop navicat15-premium-cs sudo cp -r navicat15-premium-cs navicat15 sudo umount navicat15-premium-cs rm -rf navicat15-premium-cs
navicat-patcher replaces the official public key
# Enter the navicat-keygen/bin/ directory and open the terminal to executecd /home/navicat-keygen/bin/ sudo ./navicat-patcher /home/navicat15
Style output
* Navicat Patcher (Linux) by @DoubleLabyrinth *
* Version: 1.0 *
Press ENTER to continue or Ctrl + C to abort.
[+] Try to open ... Ok!
[+] PatchSolution0 ...... Ready to apply
RefSegment = 1
MachineCodeRva = 0x0000000001377200
PatchMarkOffset = +0x000000000292c840
[*] Generating new RSA private key, it may take a long time...
[*] Your RSA private key:
[*] New RSA-2048 private key has been saved to
Package navicat15
cd /home/ ./appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage navicat15
Run the newly packaged
Use navicat-keygen to generate the serial number and activation code
Execute navicat-keygen
cd /home/navicat-keygen/bin/ ./navicat-keygen --text ./
You will be asked to select the Navicat product category, Navicat language version and fill in the main version number. Then a randomly generated sequence number will be given
********************************************************** * Navicat Keygen (Linux) by @DoubleLabyrinth * * Version: 1.0 * ********************************************************** [*] Select Navicat product: 0. DataModeler 1. Premium 2. MySQL 3. PostgreSQL 4. Oracle 5. SQLServer 6. SQLite 7. MariaDB 8. MongoDB 9. ReportViewer (Input index)> 1 [*] Select product language: 0. English 1. Simplified Chinese 2. Traditional Chinese 3. Japanese 4. Polish 5. Spanish 6. French 7. German 8. Korean 9. Russian 10. Portuguese (Input index)> 0 [*] Input major version number: (range: 0 ~ 15, default: 12)> 15 [*] Serial number: NAVM-RTVJ-EO42-IODD
Use this serial number to temporarily activate Navicat.
After that you will be asked to fill in the Username and Organization Name, you can fill in it as you like, but don't be too long.
[*] Your name: Libra [*] Your organization: Rookie
After that, you will be asked to fill in the request code. Be careful not to close the keygen.
Disconnect the network. Find the navicat registration window, fill in the serial number given to you by keygen, then click Activate, and then click Activate manually. (Often online activation will fail, so select manual activation in the pop-up prompt)
Copy the request code to keygen and press twice to enter to finish.
[*] Input request code in Base64: (Double press ENTER to end)
[*] Request Info:
{"K":"NAVMRTVJEO42IODD", "DI":"4A12F84C6A088104D23E", "P":"linux"}
[*] Response Info:
[*] Activation Code:
Paste the generated activation code into navicat to activate it
Clean up
cd /home/ sudo rm -rf navicat15-premium-cs sudo rm -rf sudo rm -rf navicat15
This is the end of this article about the detailed explanation of the Navicat activation tutorial under Linux system. For more related Navicat activation content, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!