Updated on 2025-03-09

WeChat official account Shake peripheral function development

①Apply to activate the shake function

Apply to activate the shake peripheral function. After successfully submitting the application request, the staff will complete the review within three working days. If the review fails, you can resubmit the application request. If the review is underway, please wait patiently for the staff to review. The application request cannot be submitted during the review status.

The interface code is as follows:

httpRequest method: POST(Please usehttpsprotocol)/shakearound/account/register?access_token=ACCESS_TOKENPOSTData format:json 
POSTData Example: 
 "name": "zhang_san", 
 "phone_number": "13512345678", 
 "email": "weixin123@", 
 "industry_id": "0118", 
 "qualification_cert_urls": [ 
 "apply_reason": "test" 
Parameter description 
parameter Is it necessary  illustrate 
access_token  yes  Call interface credentials 
name  yes  Contact name,No more than20Chinese characters or40English letters 
phone_number  yes  Contact number 
email  yes  Contact email 
industry_id yes  Platform-defined industry code,For details, please check the link industry code 
qualification_cert_urls yes  Pictures of relevant qualification documentsurl,The pictures must be uploaded to the WeChat server first,use“Material Management-Upload image material”Upload pictures on the interface,Returned pictureURLConfigure it here again; 
When no qualification documents are required,You can not fill in the arrayurl 
apply_reason  no  Reason for application,No more than250Chinese characters or500English letters 
 Return when normalJSONPacket example: 
  "data": { 
  "errcode": 0, 
  "errmsg": "success." 

② After the request is activated, we can also check the status

Check the review status of the request for activate the shaking peripheral function that has been submitted. After the application is submitted, the staff will complete the review within three working days.
The code is as follows:

httpRequest method:(Please usehttpsprotocol)/shakearound/account/auditstatus?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN 
Return to the description Return when normalJSONPacket example: 
  "data": { 
    "apply_time": 1432026025, 
    "audit_comment": "test", 
    "audit_status": 1, 
    "audit_time": 0 
  "errcode": 0, 
  "errmsg": "success." 
Parameter description 
parameter illustrate 
apply_time Time stamp for submitting an application 
audit_status  Review status。0:The review failed、1:Under review、2:The review has been passed;The review will be completed within three working days 
audit_comment  Review Notes,Including reasons for failing to pass the review 
audit_time Determine the timestamp of the audit result;若状态为Under review,Then the time value is0 

Thank you for reading, I hope it can help you. Thank you for your support for this site!