The principle of replacing all "/" in the string "c:/test/1" with "//":
(Suppose the "C:/TEST/1" string already exists in the VAR variable:)
C:/WINDOWS>set "var=C:/TEST/1"
(Replace all the "/" characters in the string in the var variable with "//")
C:/WINDOWS>set "var=%var:/=//%"
(Show contents in the var variable)
C:/WINDOWS>echo %var%
The result is: C://TEST//1, all replaced.
Here are some examples given by other netizens
File string replacement
@echo off echo ***** Replace "abcd" as "ABCD" ***** set strFilePath=C:\Users\Leez\Desktop\TestBat\ set strOld=abcd set strNew=ABCD setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (%strFilePath%) do ( set "var=%%i" if not !var!.==. ( set "var=!var:%strOld%=%strNew%!" echo !var!!>>%strFilePath%.bk ) ) move /y %strFilePath%.bk %strFilePath% pause
Example 2:
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set file= set /p file= Please enter the file name to operate(Includes extension): set "file=%file:"=%" for %%i in ("%file%") do set file=%%~fi echo. set replaced= set /p replaced= Please enter what will be replaced soon: echo. set all= set /p all= Please enter a replacement string: for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type "%file%"') do ( set str=%%i set "str=!str:%replaced%=%all%!" echo !str!>>"%file%"_tmp.txt ) copy "%file%" "%file%"_bak.txt >nul 2>nul move "%file%"_tmp.txt "%file%" start "" "%file%"
I'll change it
Change 16 to 17
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set file=c:\Program Files\hndsclient\ds\ set "file=%file:"=%" for %%i in ("%file%") do set file=%%~fi echo. set replaced=16 echo. set all=17 for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type "%file%"') do ( set str=%%i set "str=!str:%replaced%=%all%!" echo !str!>>"%file%"_tmp.txt ) copy "%file%" "%file%"_bak.txt >nul 2>nul move "%file%"_tmp.txt "%file%" start "" "%file%"