Updated on 2025-03-09

Oracle Installation and Uninstallation Issues Collection (Collection) Page 4/6

ORA-04031:unable to allocate … byters of shared memory("shared pool","unknown object","sga heap","db_block_buffers")
The problem that the DELL server cannot install ORACLE8.1.5. The following error message appears when the system checks the memory before establishing the database.
ORA-04031:unable to allocate 85141440 byters of shared memory("shared pool","unknown object","sga heap","db_block_buffers"), is there insufficient memory? But is the actual physical memory 2G? What is the reason?
When installing, set the memory of SGA area, JAVA pool and other things to a smaller extent
ORA-01092: Oracle instance terminated disconnection forced error
Your Oracle Server database on OpenVMS crashes. The following errors are reported: Background process DBWR unexpectedly terminated with error 1092
ORA-1092 Oracle instance terminated
ORA-313 open failed for members of log group 'n' of thread 'n'
ORA-600 [3228] reported from a PL/SQL script.
The most significant error reported here is the ORA-313 error. This error indicates a failure to open a file which indicates a problem with OpenVMS resources. When either CHANNELCNT and/or FILLM are too small, these errors can result.
Increase the SYSGEN parameter CHANNELCNT. This should be done by an OpenVMS system manager and requires a reboot of your OpenVMS node. For more information on SYSGEN, please review the OpenVMS documentation.
If the CHANNELCNT parameter is already large enough to allow the expected number of files to be opened, check the FILLM quota. Review two areas when you check FILLM:
1) The Oracle background processes (PMON, DBWR, LGWR etc.)
2) The SERVER side (or SHADOW) process created when you use SVRMGRL to start the database. To get an idea of the quota available, use the command: $ SHOW PROCESS /QUOTA /ID=<pid> Where <pid> is the OpenVMS pid of the process to be reviewed. This command displays the remaining 'Open file quota' (FILLM) for the process, as well as other available quotas.
You have 226 data files, eight REDO log files and three control files for a total of 237 files. The SYSGEN setting for CHANNELCNT is at the default of 256. During normal operation, Oracle periodically needs to open additional files. These include the INIT parameter files, the ALERT log, various DCL scripts, trace files, etc. Under these conditions, a CHANNELCNT value of 256 is too small to accommodate the number of files that Oracle/OpenVMS needs open at the same time.
For most systems the default quotas should be adequate.
If not, please describe the infor u've encountered
ORA-00059 error and character set modification
Question: The routine 'Database' under DBA studio automatically becomes started, cannot be loaded or opened, prompting 'ORA-00059? ? LOG--FILES? ? ? ? 'In this case, if you don't uninstall and reinstall it, can there be other solutions?
Generally speaking, ORA-00059 often has maximum number of DB_FILES exceeding errors. Since there are some problems with the character set setting on your machine, the error prompt becomes ??, (character set settings are not compared) Although the problem may be related to the Log file, it is not sure. Please modify the character set of Oracle.
[Character set modification method]
SQL> desc props$
Column name NULLable value No Type
------------------------------- -------- ----
SQL> col value$ format a40
SQL> select name,value$ from props$;
------------------------------ -------------------------
Queryed 14 records.
NLS_CHARACTERSET parameter should be ZHS16GBK. If not, change it to it.
ORA-12203:TNS:unable to connect destination error
Install 8.0.5 under Windows 2000, select none, no instance is created, why do I report Ora-12203:tns:unable to connect destination when executing svrmgr30!
Because no instance is created, there are no environment variables. You can refer to "All scripts and instructions for creating a database manually".
set ORACLE_SID=test
D:\Oracle\Ora81\bin\oradim -new -sid test -startmode manual -pfile "D:\Oracle\admin\test\pfile\"
Ora-12571: TNS: Package write program failed

Make the virtual memory bigger
Ora-12705 Error
Cause: There are two possible causes: Either an attempt was made to issue an ALTER SESSION statement with an invalid NLS parameter or value; or the NLS_LANG environment variable contains an invalid language, territory, or character set.
Action: Check the syntax of the ALTER SESSION command and the NLS parameter, correct the syntax and retry the statement, or specify correct values in the NLS_LANG environment variable. For more information about the syntax of the ALTER SESSION command, see Oracle8i SQL Reference.
ORA-03113: End of file in communication channel
An unexpected end-of-file was processed on the communication channel. The problem could not be handled by the SQL*Net, two task, software. This message could occur if the shadow two-task process associated with a SQL*Net connect has terminated abnormally, or if there is a physical failure of the interprocess communication vehicle, that is, the network or server machine went down.
If this message occurs during a connection attempt, check the setup files for the appropriate SQL*net driver and confirm SQL*Net software is correctly installed on the server. If the message occurs after a connection is well established, and the error is not due to a physical failure, check if a trace file was generated on the server at failure time. Existence of a trace file may suggest an Oracle internal error that requires the assistance of customer support.
There are numerous causes of this error. It is a 'catch all' type error which means 'I cannot communicate with the Oracle shadow process'. This usually occurs when the Oracle server process has died for some reason.
ORA-12515: TNS: The listener process cannot find the handle to the presentation
The solution is to check the target server network configuration and make it accept HTTP protocol. If you are using general data, it is recommended to use a new database instance.
ORA-01031:insufficient privileges
Cause: An attempt was made to change the current username or password without the appropriate privilege. This error also occurs if attempting to install a database without the necessary operating system privileges. When Trusted Oracle is configure in DBMS MAC, this error may occur if the user was granted the necessary privilege at a higher label than the current login.
Action: Ask the database administrator to perform the operation or grant the required privileges. For Trusted Oracle users getting this error although granted the appropriate privilege at a higher label, ask the database administrator to regrant the privilege at the appropriate label.
ORA-01017:invalid username/password; logon denied
Cause: An invalid username or password was entered in an attempt to log on to Oracle. The username and password must be the same as was specified in a GRANT CONNECT statement. If the username and password are entered together, the format is: username/password.
Action: Enter a valid username and password combination in the correct format.
Problem: ORACLE8. version, I don’t know where it is the problem, and I can’t log in with internal and system. Error prompts: ORA1031, ORA1017
Answer: Are there any other DBA users? If there is one, it is best to log in and then alter user system identified by YOURPASSWORD; your system password has been modified
ORA-03121: No interface driver is connected
Cause: This message occurs usually because the Net8 driver is not loaded into memory or there is a mismatch of the version of the driver. A user program linked with an obsolete library may also cause this message. Only programs provided by Oracle Corporation should use this interface.
Action: If the message occurred during use of a program provided by Oracle Corporation, contact Oracle Support Services. If a user program caused the message, relink the program with current versions of the Oracle libraries.
ORA-12638: Certificate retrieval failed
2000ad server SP2 has a domain network. When you are connected to the network, press ORACLE8I to create the database and initialize the database, it prompts "ORA-12638 credential retrieval failed". This is the case after installing several times.
The error of failed credential retrieval is generally related to network user integration. The management of this problem in ORACLE is controlled by SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES in the file. The default installation is SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES= (NTS) which means that the user who installs ORACLE is controlled through the integrated authentication of the operating system, so we just need to block this parameter value.
Modify SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES= (NTS) of the file in the \Oracle\Ora81\network\ADMIN directory to # SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES= (NTS)
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 2
Cause: An error occurred while processing a recursive SQL statement (a statement applyingto internal dictionary tables).
Action: If the situation described in the next error on the stack can be corrected, do
so; otherwise contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-04030 out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes (string,string)
Cause: Operating system process private memory has been exhausted.
Action: See the database administrator or operating system administrator to increase process memory quota. There may be a bug in the application that causes excessive allocations of process memory space.
ORA-04031:unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory("string","string","string","string")
Cause: More shared memory is needed than was allocated in the shared pool.
Action: If the shared pool is out of memory, either use the DBMS_SHARED_POOL package topin large packages, reduce your use of shared memory, or increase the amount ofavailable shared memory by increasing the value of the initialization parametersSHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE and SHARED_POOL_SIZE. If the large pool is out of memory,increase the initialization parameter LARGE_POOL_SIZE.
ORA-01555:snapshot too old: rollback segment number 9 with name "USER_RS5" too small
Problem: There are about 1 million pieces of data executed by a stored procedure. When it is executed to hundreds of thousands, it encounters the above exception.
Answer: There are two reasons:
1. Because your operation takes too long, SNAP SHOT fails (too old), causing your operation to fail;
2. Your RBS is too small to accommodate so many operations.
How to deal with it:
1. Increase the size of the rollback segment (add RBS tablespace, modify the parameters of the rollback segment, etc.)
2. There is a problem with your programming method. If the first method cannot solve the problem, it means that it is because the execution time is too long and SNAPSHOT is invalid, so you need to adjust the program. Should I first read 1 million records into memory (there is not enough memory, the file can be used as a buffer), and then do the processing. You can also use the method of segmented processing to process 100,000 pieces at a time.
ORA-01589:must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open
Problem: An error message appears after startup
Cause: Either incomplete or backup control file recovery has been performed. After these types of recovery you must specify either the RESETLOGS option or the NORESETLOGS option to open your database.
Action: Specify the appropriate option.
Your database has been done Media Recovery before, just open the database with OPEN DATABASE RESETLOGS or OPEN DATABASE NORESETLOGS.
ORA-01017:invalid username/password; logon denied
Cause: An invalid username or password was entered in an attempt to log on to Oracle. The username and password must be the same as was specified in a GRANT CONNECT statement. If the username and password are entered together, the format is: username/password.
Action: Enter a valid username and password combination in the correct format.
Default password
sys/oralce (password may also be manager or change_on_install)
OEM username/password: sysman/oem_temp
Reset the password of the system user
You can log in by following the following methods
sqlplus /nolog
conn / as sysdba
alter user system identifed by '123'
Oracle's password file
8i is generally located in $ORACLE_HOME/PRODUCT/8.1.6/DBS/ORAPWD_[SID].ORA
How to activate a user
8i: In DBA Studio, there is "user"-and then find the user name---> and then select "Unlocked"
Oracle's initialization file
8i: The directory of ORACLEHOME set during installation will have three directories: admin, oradata and ora81. Among them, the one under the Prfile under the database directory you installed under the admin directory.
9i: The init file cannot be seen in the original directory. But you can:
create pfile from spfile;
This way you can see the init file, because the initialization file in 9i has changed a little.
Oracle database's own data generation script
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