Hive execution method
There are three ways to execute hql commands in Hive:
1. Direct execution of CLI mode
2. Call hive -e as a string to execute (-S to enable silence, remove "OK", "Time taken")
3. As a separate file, execute by calling hive –f or hive –i through shell
Method 1
Type“hive”,start uphiveofcliInteractive mode。SetAll environment settings parameters can be viewed,And can be reset。Other commands such as, Use database Select a library quit/exit quitHiveofInteractive mode set –v showHive中of所有变量 set <key>=<value> Set parameters Execute localshell :!<cmd> Interactive mode下可执行shellOrder,For example(ChecklinuxFile list in the root directory:"!ls -l /;") 操作云Order:dfs < command> Interactive mode下直接操作hadoopOrder如 dfs fs –ls HqlStatement Execute a query and output to standard output add [FILE|JAR|ARCHIVE] <value> [<value>]* Add a file to the resource list list FILE 列出所有已经添加of资源
Method 2
HqlAs a string inshellExecute in script,like hive -e "use ${database};select * from tb" The query results can be exported directly to the local file (the default delimiter is \t): hive -e "select * from tb" >
If you need to view the execution steps, add it before the command
set –x
In addition, in shell scripts, there are two ways to define strings:
1) Directly define the string object: sql=”String”
2) Through the command definition: sql=$(cat <<endtag string endtag) method, the shell script for executing the hql command is as follows:
####### execute hive ###### sql=$(cat <<!EOF USE pmp; set =queue3; drop table if exists people_targeted_delivery; create table people_targeted_delivery ( special_tag_id int, cnt bigint ); INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY '$cur_path/people_targeted_delivery' ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' select special_tag_id,count(1) from t_pmp_special_user_tags group by special_tag_id; !EOF) ############ execute begin ########### echo $sql $HIVE_HOME/bin/hive -e "$sql" exitCode=$? if [ $exitCode -ne 0 ];then echo "[ERROR] hive execute failed!" exit $exitCode fi
Method Three
Save the hql statement as a separate file, with no limit on the suffix name, and you can use .q or .hql as the identifier:
A. This file is executed in cli mode using the source command, such as: source ./
B, execute commands in the shell, such as: hive -f
Hive specifies the pre-execution file command "hive –i" (or initialization file)
Order:hive -i existhivestart upcliBefore,Execute the specified file first()中的Order。 That is to say,允许用户existclistart up时预先执行一个指定document,for example,There are some common environment parameter settings,频繁执行的Order,可以Add toexist初始化document中,for example, Certain parameter settings set =queue3; SET =14; Add toudfdocument add JAR ./; set upHiveLog level hive -hiveconf =INFO;
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