Updated on 2025-03-09

shell judging statement script usage analysis

Judgment statement

Use test to make judgments

# test [option] filetest -d /Users/zhanghe/desktop/user/shell


#If the file is a directory, output yes, otherwise output notest -d /Users/zhanghe/desktop/user/shell && echo yes || echo no


Judging by file type

-d  Determine whether the file exists,And it is a directory
-e  Determine whether the file exists
-f  Determine whether the file exists,And it is a normal file
-s  Determine whether the file exists,And whether it is a non-empty file
-b  Determine whether the file is a block device file
-c  Determine whether the file is a character device file
-g  Determine whether the file is setsetgidBit
-h  Determine whether the file is a symbolic link
-L  Determine whether the file is a symbolic link
-p  Determine whether the file is a pipeline file
-u  Determine whether the file is setsetuidBit
#Exampletest -s 

Judging by permissions

-r Determine whether the file exists,And whether you have read permission
-w Determine whether the file exists,And whether you have write permissions
-x Determine whether the file exists,And whether there is execution permission

#Exampletest -w 

Value comparison

-eq   equal
-ne   不equal
-gt   Greater than
-lt   Less than
-ge   Greater thanequal
-le   Less thanequal

#Exampletest 1 -eq 2

String comparison

-z  Determine whether the string is empty
-n  Determine whether the string is not empty
==  Determine whether two strings are equal
!=  Determine whether the two strings are not equal

#Exampletest "aa" == "ab"

Logical judgment

-a   Logic and
-o   Logical or
!    Logical non-logical

#Exampletest "aa" == "aa" -a "ab" == "aa"

The above test can be replaced by [ ]


[ -s  ]
[ "aa" == "ab" ]

There is also a [[ condition ]] that can also be used for conditional judgment. For test and [] if the expression contains special characters, it needs to be escaped, while for [[ condition ]], the influence of special characters is not required.But please note that there are at least one space character behind [[ and ]] before the front of [[

String contains

You can see that the above provides only basic judgments, so how to judge if the string contains

Use grep

if [[ -n `echo "abcd" | grep "ab"` ]]
then echo "Include"

Use wildcards

if [[ "abcd" == *ab* ]]
then echo "Include"

The above is the detailed content of the shell judgment statement. For more information about shell judgment statements, please pay attention to my other related articles!