Updated on 2025-03-09

Summary of how to use shell alias and management skills

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview

This article will introduce the topic of Shell and Aliases. Shell is a command line interpreter that allows you to interact with your operating system in text. Alias ​​is a feature in the Shell that allows you to set short aliases for commonly used commands to improve work efficiency.

1.2 Purpose

Our goal is to help beginners understand the basic concepts of shell and alias and learn how to create, manage, and apply alias. Through this article, you will be able to use Shell more easily and improve your productivity.

1.3 Scope of application

This article is for readers who have a basic understanding of shell and command line operations, especially those who want to simplify commands and improve productivity by using alias.

2. Shell and alias

2.1 Shell Introduction

Shell is a command line interpreter that serves as a bridge between the user and the operating system. The user can enter commands through the shell, and the shell interprets and passes the commands to the operating system for execution. Common shells include Bash, Zsh, etc.

2.2 The role of alias

An alias is a feature in Shell that allows you to set a short and easy-to-remember alternative name for common commands. When you enter this alias, the shell will be automatically replaced with the corresponding command, thereby simplifying the input and memory of the command.

2.3 Syntax of alias

In the shell, the syntax for creating an alias is:alias alias = 'Command'. Among them, the alias is the short name you want to set, and the command is the complete command you want to associate.

3. Create an alias

3.1 Temporary alias

If you only want to use alias in the current shell session, you can usealiasCommand to create temporary aliases. For example,ls -lSet command to aliasll, you can execute the following command:

alias ll='ls -l'

3.2 Permanent alias

If you want the alias to be available every time you start the shell, you can add the alias to the shell's configuration file. Common configuration files are.bashrc(Bash) and.zshrc(Zsh). You can use a text editor to open the corresponding configuration file and add an alias definition at the end of the file. For example,.bashrcAdd an alias toll

alias ll='ls -l'

This way, every time the shell is started, the aliasllThey will be loaded automatically.

4. Application of alias

4.1 Simplify commands

A common application is to use alias to simplify some long and complex commands. For example, you cangit statusSet command to aliasgs, so that every time you entergsIt's equivalent to inputgit status

alias gs='git status'

4.2 Custom commands

In addition to simplifying existing commands, aliases can also be used to create custom commands. For example, you can combine a series of complex commands into a simple alias. For example, you can combine the following commands into aliasdeploy

alias deploy='git pull origin master && npm install && npm run build && pm2 restart server'

In this way, every time you enterdeployThis series of commands will be executed, which is convenient and fast.

4.3 Improve work efficiency

Aliases can be customized according to individual needs and workflows, thereby improving work efficiency. By setting aliases for commonly used commands, you can save time and effort, reduce input errors, and focus more on the work itself.

5. Manage aliases

5.1 View alias

To view the currently defined alias, you can usealiasCommand without any arguments:


This lists all defined aliases and their corresponding commands.

5.2 Modify the alias

To modify a defined alias, you can reusealiasCommands to override the original alias definition. For example, if you want to add an aliasllModified tols -lh

alias ll='ls -lh'

This will update the aliaslland take effect.

5.3 Delete alias

To delete a defined alias, you can useunaliasCommand with an alias name. For example, to delete an aliasgs

unalias gs

This will delete the aliasgsand invalidate it.

6. Example demonstration

6.1 Common alias examples

Here are some common alias examples:

  • alias l='ls -CF'- Willls -CFSet as an aliasl, used to list the contents of the current directory.
  • alias c='clear'- WillclearSet command to aliasc, used to clear the screen.
  • alias grep='grep --color=auto'- Will be output with color displaygrepSet command to aliasgrep

6.2 Example of practical alias

Here are some practical alias examples:

  • alias ga='git add .'- Willgit add .Set command to aliasga, convenient and quick addition of all files to the Git temporary storage area.
  • alias dc='docker-compose'- Willdocker-composeSet command to aliasdc, simplify the use of Docker Compose.

These alias examples are just the tip of the iceberg, and you can customize your own alias based on your personal needs and workflow.

7. Notes on alias

There are some things to note when using alias:

  • The alias are only valid in the current shell session and will fail the next time the shell is started unless it is added to the configuration file.
  • Aliases do not support parameters and options, it is just a simple alternative to commands. If you need to use parameters and options, you can consider writing scripts or functions to implement them.
  • Aliases may conflict with existing commands or other aliases. Before defining an alias, it is recommended to check whether a command or alias with the same name already exists.
  • Aliases are user-specific, so each user can define their own alias without interfering with each other.

8. Summary

This article introduces the basic concepts and applications of Shell and alias. Alias ​​is a way to simplify complex commands into simple alternatives that can be used to simplify commands, create custom commands, and improve productivity. We can use the alias command to manage alias, including viewing, modifying, and deleting defined alias. When using alias, you need to note that alias are only valid in the current shell session, may conflict with existing commands or other alias, and parameters and options are not supported. Finally, we also mentioned that alias are user-specific, and each user can customize their own alias according to their personal needs. By using aliases rationally, we can improve work efficiency, reduce input errors, and focus more on the work itself.

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