Updated on 2025-03-09

IIS error

It should be useful to show to those in need.

IIS troubleshooting

IIS server troubleshooting
The reason for the error of the IIS server is complicated. Such errors as service startup failure, IIS process interruption, or site failure, will record an error event in the system log. Regardless of the errors in IIS, before determining the troubleshooting plan, you should first use the event viewer to view the relevant events recorded in the system log. Some errors are obviously caused by corruption of server hardware, while others are often not easy to detect due to software. This section provides a guided introduction to general IIS troubleshooting.
Restart IIS
According to the general troubleshooting methods and troubleshooting solutions of Microsoft products, most software problems can be solved by restarting to the method. As one of the new features of IIS 5.0, we can restart the IIS service without restarting the computer, and even quite serious problems can be solved in this way. Restarting the IIS service can force the system to reset the memory space of the IIS process, so the problems caused by memory errors can be solved. The method of restarting IIS is mainly used in the following situations: the website application is paralyzed and cannot be effectively controlled; the website application is not working properly or unstable.
When restarting the IIS service, all current connections cannot be retained, and all sites on the server cannot work during the restart. If restarting the IIS service does not solve the problem, restarting the server will not be effective.
When the site application does not work properly, follow the following steps to restart the server's IIS service:
1. Expand the IIS node in the IIS management control tree and select the computer that needs to restart the IIS service.
2. Click the [Operation] menu and select [Restart IIS].
3. As shown in the picture on the upper right, in the [What do you want to IIS] drop-down list in the [Stop/Start/Restart] dialog box, select [Restart the server's IIS] and click [OK].
4. As shown in the figure below right, the [Close] dialog box shows the progress of restarting IIS. If the dialog box does not respond for a long time, click [End Now] and re-run the above operation.
Note: The above restart operation cannot be performed using HTML-based IIS Manager (remote management mode).
For the stability of a single site, there is no need to restart the entire IIS process, just restart the site.

IIS error

Backup/restore IIS
If there is a foolproof server security planning solution in the world, it is backup. Someone once pointed out that the three most important tasks a good system administrator does are: backup, backup, and backup.
IIS implementation mechanism includes a registry-like metadatabase: MetaBase. All configuration properties about IIS itself and the site are saved in Windows 2000 and metadatabase MetaBase. Therefore, as long as the relevant registry and metadatabase are backed up, all the site-related configurations can be saved. Even after deleting the site or even reinstalling IIS, you can still use the backup to restore it to its original state.
The steps for backing up IIS are as follows:,

1. In IIS Manager, expand the IIS node and select to the computer you want to back up.
2. Click the [Operation] menu and select [Backup/Restore Configuration].
3. As shown in the figure on the right, list all backup files and backup times in the [Backup] list in the [Backup/Restore Configuration] dialog box. Click the [Create Backup] button.
4. Specify the name of the newly created backup in the [Backup Configuration] dialog box and click [OK].
5. Click [Close] to complete the backup.
By default, the backup file will be saved in the \Winnt\system32\inetsrv\MetaBack directory.

The method of restoring backup is similar to this. Select a backup file in the [Backup/Restore Configuration] dialog box in the [Backup] list and click [Restore]. Then click [OK] in the prompt dialog box shown in the left picture. After a period of time, the IIS server will restore to the status it was in when the backup was performed.
If the server needs to restore the backup after reinstalling IIS, additional operations should be performed based on the above recovery operation, as follows:

1. At the command prompt, type X:\InetPub\AmdinScripts\enum w3svc, where "X" is the drive letter for IIS installed. From the listed settings, find the values ​​of WamUserName and related WAMUserPass.
2. In the control panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.
3. Select Local User Manager and click User. Double-click the [IWAM_computername] user account. Type the WAMUserPass value found from the previous step and click OK.
4. In the [Configure Backup Name] dialog box, select the backup file you created and click [Restore]. The configuration will be completely restored at this time.

IIS error

TCP/IP error
TCP/IP protocol problems are often the reason why IIS cannot work properly. When IIS error occurs but it can be determined that there is no problem with the IIS service itself, we must consider whether there is a problem with the network connection. After simply eliminating the problems caused by network hardware corruption, our attention should be focused on the network protocol, mainly the TCP/IP protocol.
Windows 2000 provides a series of TCP/IP troubleshooting tools, which are mainly based on command prompt lines, provide powerful means to diagnose network problems.
Check TCP/IP configuration using ipconfig tool
IPconfig is a command prompt line tool for checking and managing the client's TCP/IP configuration status. Type: ipconfig and press Enter to get the basic TCP/IP configuration properties of the computer as shown in the right figure, including the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway.

In the command prompt line, type: ipconfig/all and press Enter to get the TCP/IP configuration status of the detailed mode. In addition to basic information, it also includes TCP/IP information such as host name, DNS settings, WINS settings, DHCP settings, and physical address, node type.
If the computer enables DHCP and uses the DHCP server to get the configuration, you can start refreshing the lease using the ipconfig /renew command. You can also use the ipconfig command with /release option to immediately release the host's current DHCP configuration.
For Windows 95 and Windows 98 clients, the winipcfg command should be used instead of the ipconfig command.

Use ping command to test the connection
The Ping command helps verify IP-level connectivity. When discovering and solving problems, you can use Ping to send ICMP response requests to the target hostname or IP address. Use Ping when you need to verify that the host can connect to TCP/IP networks and network resources.
The Ping command actually sends several (4 defaults) packets to the target host. If the local computer and the target host can communicate, the target host will reply a response message, as shown in the upper right picture, the response information includes the response time and TTL value. Successfully ping the same host indicates that IP data can be transferred between the local and target hosts.
If you receive the timeout information, as shown in the figure below right, it means that the TCP/IP connection between the local host and the target host cannot be established. Possible reasons include network failure, protocol errors, and TCP/IP configuration errors.
When confirming network connectivity, the ping test should be carried out in the following order:
1. Ping local loop address to determine whether the local TCP/IP configuration is correct.
Type Ping in the command prompt line.
2. Ping the local address and verify whether the local IP address is set correctly.
3. Ping the default gateway address to verify whether it can communicate with hosts outside the local subnet.
4. Ping the host on the remote subnet to verify whether remote communication can be carried out through the router.

If all the above Ping commands can be responded, it means that the TCP/IP configuration can support network communication. Otherwise, the settings check will be performed for the corresponding network components.
Use netstat tool to display connection statistics
You can use the netstat command to display protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections.
The netstat -a command will display all connections, while netstat -r will display the routing table and active connections. The netstat -e command will display the Ethernet statistics, while netstat -s will display the statistics for each protocol.
If you use netstat -n, the address and port number cannot be converted into names.