The principle of ASP online compression ACCESS database is very simple: use the compression function to create a new database file, and then delete and replace the original one! In this case, the compression program only takes a few lines to be OK!
Save the following code as **.asp, put the database file () in the same directory, and execute asp to complete it!
<% oldDB = ("") 'Change the database address newDB = ("db_new.mdb") 'Generate temporary files Set FSO = ("") Set Engine = ("") prov = "Provider=.4.0;Data Source=" prov & OldDB, prov & newDB set Engine = nothing oldDB 'Delete temporary files newDB, oldDB set FSO = Nothing "OK" %>
Below is an ASP online compression ACCESS database encapsulation function
Function CompactDB(dbPath, boolIs97) Dim fso, Engine, strDBPath strDBPath = left(dbPath,instrrev(DBPath,"\")) Set fso = CreateObject("") If (dbPath) Then Set Engine = CreateObject("") On Error Resume Next If boolIs97 = "True" Then "Provider=.4.0;Data Source=" & dbpath, _ "Provider=.4.0;Data Source=" & strDBPath & ";" _ & "Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=" & JET_3X Else "Provider=.4.0;Data Source=" & dbpath, _ "Provider=.4.0;Data Source=" & strDBPath & "" End If If Err Then "<script LANGUAGE='javascript'>alert('The database type cannot be recognized.');(-1);</script>" end if strDBPath & "",dbpath (strDBPath & "") Set fso = nothing Set Engine = nothing CompactDB = "<script>alert('Compression was successful! ');javascript:(-1);</script>" Else CompactDB = "<script>alert('The database cannot be found! \nPlease check whether the database path is entered incorrectly! ');();</script>" End If End Function
This is the article about how to compress access databases online by ASP. This is all about this article. For more related ASP online by ASP, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!