Updated on 2025-03-10

Simple permission judgment based on cookies

public class BasePage :
private string pageName;
public BasePage()
+= Page_Load;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
Uri r = ;
pageName = ;
if (NeedToCheck())
if (!HasAuthentication())
private bool NeedToCheck()
if (("") || pageName == "" )
return false;
return true;
private bool HasAuthentication()
//look into the config file or database,to see whether this page is in the allow accessing list of the role or not;
//the signature of the function is like this
if (("") && UserRole == "2")
return false;
return true;
protected HttpCookie _RequestCookie;
protected HttpCookie _ResponseCookie;
private bool b_IsNewCookie = true;
public string UserRole
return GetCookieValue("UserRole");
SetCookieValue("UserRole", value);
public string UserName
return GetCookieValue("UserName");
SetCookieValue("UserName", value);
protected void SetCookieValue(string name, string value)
_ResponseCookie[name] = value;
private string GetCookieValue(string name)
if (_RequestCookie != null)
return _RequestCookie[name];
return null;
protected void SetReqeustCookie()
_RequestCookie = ["Cookie_Name"];
protected void SetResponseCookie()
if (b_IsNewCookie)
_ResponseCookie = new HttpCookie("Cookie_Name");
DateTime dtNow = ;
TimeSpan tsMinute = new TimeSpan(0, 2, 0, 0);
_ResponseCookie.Expires = dtNow + tsMinute;
_ResponseCookie["UserRole"] = UserRole;
_ResponseCookie["UserName"] = UserName;
b_IsNewCookie = false;