Process pipeline objects one by one
If you use Get-WmiObject to obtain services in the system, Format-Table may also be used to tabularly type the results for typesetting.
PS C:Powershell> Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | Format-Table status,DisplayName
status DisplayName
------ -----------
OK Adobe Acrobat Update Service
OK Application Experience
OK Application Layer Gateway Service
OK Application Host Helper Service
OK Application Identity
OK Application Information
OK Application Management
OK State Service
However, if you want to process more customized for each service, use ForEach-Object
PS C:Powershell> Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | ForEach-Object {"Name:"+ $_.Disp
layName, ", Is ProcessId more than 100:" + ($_.ProcessId -gt 100)}
Name:Adobe Acrobat Update Service , Is ProcessId more than 100:True
Name:Application Experience , Is ProcessId more than 100:False
Name:Application Layer Gateway Service , Is ProcessId more than 100:False
Name:Application Host Helper Service , Is ProcessId more than 100:True
Name:Application Identity , Is ProcessId more than 100:True
Name:Application Information , Is ProcessId more than 100:True
Name:Application Management , Is ProcessId more than 100:False
Name: State Service , Is ProcessId more than 100:False
Combined with conditions
The processing of ForEach-Object can contain any Powershell script, and of course also include conditional statements.
Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.ProcessId -gt 3000)
{ "{0}({1})" -f $_.DisplayName,$_.ProcessID}
Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache
Microsoft Network Inspection(5260)
Windows Modules Installer(7656)
Calling methods
In ForEach-Object, $_ represents the current object, and of course, it is also allowed to call the supported methods of the object through $_.
The following example kills all IE browser processes:
PS C:Powershell> Get-Process iexplore
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VM(M) CPU(s) Id ProcessName
------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ -- -----------
883 29 14728 22432 181 34.26 4300 iexplore
771 28 55552 129152 425 8.56 5732 iexplore
1216 51 104324 143916 539 572.41 5912 iexplore
801 25 49200 25372 285 5.99 6252 iexplore
691 25 57564 95796 333 8.08 6388 iexplore
1256 38 85848 127012 379 20.37 7856 iexplore
PS C:Powershell> Get-Process iexplore | ForEach-Object {$_.kill()}
PS C:Powershell> Get-Process iexplore
Get-Process: The process named "iexplore" cannot be found. Please verify the process name and call cmdlet again.
Location Line: 1 Character: 12
+ Get-Process <<<< iexplore
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (iexplore:String) [Get-Process],
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoProcessFoundForGivenName,.