Updated on 2025-03-10

Several ways to build a private warehouse by Docker

Building a Docker private repository is an important practice that helps you securely store and manage Docker images without publishing them to the public Docker Hub. By using a privatized repository, you can:

  • Improve security: Mirrored images are stored in a controlled environment.
  • Improve efficiency: Transmit mirrors within the company's network, faster.
  • Implement automation: cooperate with the CI/CD system to realize automatic mirroring management.

This article will introduce in detail how to build a Docker private repository in different environments and provide configuration and optimization suggestions.

1. The basic principle of Docker privatization warehouse

Docker private repository (also known as Docker Registry) is a software application that allows users to store and distribute Docker images. Docker officially provides an open source Docker Registry image that can be run easily locally or on a server.

Registry and Repository

  • Registry: It is a service that stores and manages Docker images.
  • Repository: It is a specific mirror collection in Registry, such asnginx

Mirror tags

  • Tag: is a tag pointing to a mirror, such asnginx:latest

2. Build a Docker private warehouse

Method 1: Use Docker's official Registry image

Docker officially provides an open source Docker Registry image that can be used directly.

1. Pull and run the official Registry image

First, pull the official Registry image and run:

docker pull registry:2

Run the privatized repository:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name my-registry registry:2
  • -d: Run containers in the background.
  • -p 5000:5000: Map the 5000 port of the host to the 5000 port of the container.
  • --name my-registry: Name the containermy-registry

2. Push the image to the privatized warehouse

Push local images to a private repository:

Tag the mirror:

docker tag <IMAGE_ID> localhost:5000/my-image:latest

For example:

docker tag ubuntu:latest localhost:5000/ubuntu:latest

Push the mirror to a private repository:

docker push localhost:5000/ubuntu:latest

3. Pull the mirror from the privatized warehouse

On other Docker hosts, pull images from the private repository:

docker pull localhost:5000/ubuntu:latest

Note: When accessing a private repository on other machines, you need tolocalhostReplace it with the IP address or domain name of the machine where the private repository is located.

4. Verify the mirror in the warehouse

usecurlVerify the image stored in the warehouse:

curl http://localhost:5000/v2/_catalog

Return result:

  "repositories": [

5. Use docker-compose to start a private repository

You can usedocker-composeTo simplify the startup process:

version: '3'

    image: registry:2
      - "5000:5000"
      - ./data:/var/lib/registry


docker-compose up -d

Method 2: Use Harbor to build an enterprise-level private warehouse

HarborIt is an open source enterprise-level Docker Registry that provides richer functions, such as user management, access control, mirror replication, etc.

1. Install Docker and Docker Compose

Make sure Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your system.

2. Download the Harbor installation package

VisitHarbor official download pageDownload the latest version.

wget /goharbor/harbor/releases/download/v2.9.0/harbor-online-installer-v2.9.

Unzip the installation package:

tar xzvf harbor-online-installer-v2.9.
cd harbor

3. Configure Harbor

existharborIn the directory, there is oneConfiguration file. Configure as needed:

hostname:   # Modify to your domain name or IP
  port: 443
  certificate: /your/certificate/path
  private_key: /your/private/key/path

harbor_admin_password: Harbor12345  # Set the administrator password

Notice: Make sure to use the correct domain name and certificate path. Can be passedLet’s EncryptGet a free SSL certificate.

4. Install and start Harbor

Run the following command to install and start Harbor:


Start Harbor Service:

docker-compose up -d

5. Access the Harbor Web UI

Visit in the browser, use the configured administrator account to log in, the default user name isadmin, the password is set in the configuration fileharbor_admin_password

6. Push mirror to Harbor

Log in to Harbor:

docker login 

Tag the mirror:

docker tag <IMAGE_ID> /myproject/my-image:latest

Push the image to Harbor:

docker push /myproject/my-image:latest

7. Pull the mirror from Harbor

On other machines, log in to Harbor and pull the image:

docker login 
docker pull /myproject/my-image:latest

Method 3: Use GitLab Container Registry

GitLabProvides an integrated Container Registry that can be used as a private Docker repository.

1. Install GitLab

refer toGitLab official documentationInstall GitLab.

2. Enable Container Registry

Edit GitLab configuration file/etc/gitlab/, enable Registry:

registry_external_url ''

Reconfigure GitLab:

gitlab-ctl reconfigure

3. Log in to GitLab Container Registry

docker login 

4. Push image to GitLab Container Registry

Tag the mirror:

docker tag <IMAGE_ID> /mygroup/myproject/my-image:latest

Push mirror:

docker push /mygroup/myproject/my-image:latest

5. Pull the image from GitLab Container Registry

docker pull /mygroup/myproject/my-image:latest

3. Configure the security of privatized warehouses

1. Protect the transport using HTTPS

In production environments, it is highly recommended to configure HTTPS for Docker's private repository to protect data transfer security.

Generate a self-signed certificate

useopensslGenerate a self-signed certificate:

mkdir -p certs
openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -keyout certs/ -x509 -days 365 -out certs/

The generation process prompts for input information, as shown below:

Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:CN
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Guangdong
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Shenzhen
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:My Company
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:IT
Common Name (. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:localhost
Email Address []:admin@

Mount the certificate into the container:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name my-registry \
  -v `pwd`/certs:/certs \
  -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/ \

2. Configure authentication access

Docker private repository supports the use of Basic Auth protection access.

Create user and password files

usehtpasswdCreate user and password files:

apt-get install apache2-utils -y
htpasswd -cB htpasswd myuser
  • myuser:username.
  • You will be prompted to enter your password and confirm.

Start Registry with Certification

Mount the authentication file into the container:

docker run -d -p 5000

:5000 --name my-registry \
  -v `pwd`/certs:/certs \
  -v `pwd`/auth:/auth \
  -e "REGISTRY_AUTH=htpasswd" \
  -e REGISTRY_AUTH_HTPASSWD_PATH=/auth/htpasswd \
  -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/ \

3. Configure the firewall

To ensure the security of a private repository, it is recommended to configure firewall rules to allow only specific IPs or subnets to access the repository.

# Allow subnet accessiptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 5000 -j ACCEPT

# Denied other IP accessiptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5000 -j DROP

4. Manage and monitor privatized warehouses

1. View the mirror in the warehouse

usecurlView the mirror in the warehouse:

curl -u myuser:mypassword https://localhost:5000/v2/_catalog

2. View the mirror tag

View the tags for the specified image:

curl -u myuser:mypassword https://localhost:5000/v2/<repository>/tags/list

For example:

curl -u myuser:mypassword https://localhost:5000/v2/ubuntu/tags/list

3. Delete the mirror

Delete the tags for the specified image:

curl -X DELETE -u myuser:mypassword https://localhost:5000/v2/<repository>/manifests/<digest>


curl -u myuser:mypassword -I -H "Accept: application/.v2+json" \

For example:

curl -u myuser:mypassword -I -H "Accept: application/.v2+json" \

4. Configure the mirror cleaning policy

Regularly clean images and tags that are no longer in use to save storage space. Can be usedRegistry GCtool.

Stop Registry:

docker stop my-registry

Run garbage collection:

docker run --rm -v /var/lib/registry:/var/lib/registry registry:2 garbage-collect /etc/docker/registry/

Restart Registry:

docker start my-registry

5. Use monitoring tools

Prometheus and Grafana can be used to monitor the performance and usage of Registry.

5. Frequently Asked Questions and Solutions

1. Docker client cannot connect to private repository

  • Check the network configuration and firewall rules of the private repository.
  • Make sure to use the correct domain name or IP address.
  • If using a self-signed certificate, make sure the client trusts the certificate.

2. Push image failed

  • Check user permissions and authentication configuration.
  • Check if the storage space in the warehouse is full.
  • Make sure the Docker client version is compatible with the Registry version.

3. The mirror pull speed is slow

  • Use CDN or mirror acceleration services.
  • Configure cache proxy to reduce duplicate downloads.


Through the introduction of this article, you should have mastered the basic steps and configuration methods for building a Docker privatization warehouse. Whether using the official Docker Registry image or the more powerful Harbor or GitLab Container Registry, a private repository can bring greater security and efficiency to your image management.

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