Updated on 2025-03-10

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dim pwd
pwd=inputbox("Please enter a new password:","Change password",")
if pwd<>"" then
inputbox "Your new password encoding is:" & vbcrlf & "Please replace the new encoding with the password item in the program!","Password encoding",pwd
msgbox "You did not enter a new password, and the system cannot help you convert it!"
end if
function PwdConv(byval spwd)
    dim i,ref,value,ltmp
    for i = 1 to lenb(spwd)
        value=(value*i) + 255
        if (ltmp+value)>(&HFF*lenb(spwd)) then
            ref=ref & hex(ltmp)
        end if
        ltmp=ltmp + value + Len(Cstr(lTmp))
    if ltmp>0 then ref=ref & hex(ltmp)
    If Mid(ref,1,1)="0" Then ref=Hex(Len(ref)) & ref
    PwdConv= ref
end function