1. Basic knowledge of strings
Strings are the most commonly used and useful data types in shell programming (except numbers and strings, there are no other types that are easy to use). Strings can be in single quotes, double quotes, or without quotes. The difference between odd and double quotes is similar to PHP.
Single quotes
str='this is a string'
Limitations of single quote strings:
•Any character in single quotes will be output as it is, and variables in single quotes strings are invalid;
•Single quotes cannot appear in single quote strings (not after using escape characters for single quotes).
Double quotes
str="Hello, I know your are \"$your_name\"! \n"
Advantages of double quotes:
•There can be variables in double quotes
•Escape characters can appear in double quotes
2. Commonly used string related methods
Stitching strings
greeting="hello, "$your_name" !"
greeting_1="hello, ${your_name} !"
echo $greeting $greeting_1
Get the string length
echo ${#string} #Output 4
Extract substrings
string="alibaba is a great company"
echo ${string:1:4} #output liba
Find substrings
string="alibaba is a great company"
echo `expr index "$string" is`
For more string processing methods, please refer to:https://:81/article/