Updated on 2025-03-10

Exe2swf tool script code implemented with vbs

dim AsoR,FlashFileName 
Set ArgObj =  

dim PositionStart,OKed,Tag,EndSize 
PositionStart = 920000'flash 4's approximate bytes
EndSize = 8   'The number of bytes at the end of the exe file, other versions can be set to 0
FlashFileName = ArgObj(0)'Passage path

set AsoR=CreateObject("") 
set AsoW=CreateObject("") 

OKed = true 
dim filesize 
filesize =  

if filesize>PositionStart then 
   while OKed 
        = PositionStart 
       Tag = Bin2Str((20)) 
       if instr(Tag,"0000000") >0 then 
           PositionStart = PositionStart + 1 
           PositionStart = PositionStart + 20 
       end if 
       if Tag = "00000000000000000708783" or Tag = "00000000000000000678783" then 
           OKed = false 
       end if 
       'if PositionStart > filesize then 
       '    OKed = false 
       'end if 
msgbox "File Error"
end if 
PositionStart = PositionStart + 16 
'msgbox PositionStart 
 = PositionStart 

'New file name
dim newFileName 
'newFileName = left(FlashFileName,len(FlashFileName)-4) & ".swf" 
newFileName = FlashFileName & ".swf" 

Set fso = CreateObject("") 
If ((newFileName)) Then 
overwrite = msgbox(newFileName&" already exists"& vbnewline &"Do you want to replace it?",308,"File already exists- exe2swf script")
   if overwrite=6 then 
        newFileName, 2 
msgbox "Operation was cancelled",0,"exe2swf script"
   end if 
    newFileName, 1 
end if 

set AsoR=nothing 
set AsoW=nothing 

Function Bin2Str(Bin) 
   Dim I, Str 
   For I=1 to LenB(Bin) 
       if ASCB(clow)<128 then 
           Str = Str & (ASCB(clow)) 
           if I <= LenB(Bin) then Str = Str & (ASCW(MidB(Bin,I,1)&clow)) 
       end if 
   Bin2Str = Str 
End Function