nodejs uses object-to-CSV library to generate csv file
object-to-CSV is a great library to quickly write arrays of objects to CSV files using nodejs.
Of course, there are many other libraries. But I found this very useful for one of my projects, because I had to generate a one-time CSV file, so I wrote this tutorial.
In more performance-oriented applications, using stream-based libraries such as fast-csv may suit your needs.
npm install objects-to-csv
Introducing the library:
const ObjectsToCsv = require('objects-to-csv')
When you have an array of objects ready to write to CSV, initialize a new ObjectsToCsv object instance:
await ('./')
This is a promise-based API, I use await, so I need to call it in an asynchronous function.
The column names in CSV are automatically inferred from the object attribute names.
Note that this command overwrites the existing contents of the file. To append to the file, pass the second object and set the append property to true:
await ('./', { append: true })
Tutorial for reading csv files
There are many different npm modules in it that allow you to read the library from a CSV file.
Most of them are based on streams, such as csv-parser or node-csv.
They are very useful for handling CSVs in production environments.
When I don't think about performance, I like to make things simple. For example, in order to parse CSV at one time, I have to merge the backend system.
For this, I used neat-csv, a package that exposes the functionality of the csv parser to a simple asynchronous/wait interface.
Installation dependencies
Install it using npm to install neat-csv and ask it to be in your application:
In your project, use npm or yarn to install neat-csv:
npm install neat-csv -S npm yarn neat-csv -S
Business implementation
Introducing neat-csv
const neatCsv = require('neat-csv');
Then load CSV from the file system and call neatCsv to pass the file content:
const fs = require('fs') ('./', async (err, data) => { if (err) { (err) return } (await neatCsv(data)) })
Now you can start doing whatever you need to do with your data, the format of which is a JavaScript object array.
For more information about operating csv file methods, please see the related links below