After recently upgrading the company's Windows 2003 server to a domain controller, I encountered a problem. The company's leaders do not like to enter complex passwords (both capital letters and lowercase letters, and also enter numbers) every time they log in. When I created an account for them and set a simple password, I prompted that I could not set a password.
The author thought that just by clicking "Start → Run", type "" in the "Run" dialog box and entering "Group Policy Editor" can be modified, but I didn't expect that it could not be modified at all in the "Group Policy Editor".
After many attempts, the author found a solution to this problem. Click "Start → Settings → Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Domain Security Policy". After entering "Default Domain Security Settings", click "Windows Settings → Security Settings → Password Policy", and double-click the "Password Must Meet Complexity Requirements" item in the right window. A window will pop up. After selecting the "Disabled" option and clicking "OK", restart the computer. At the same time, the password length is also set here.