Speed up the power on and off:
①Select "Start\Run", type Regedit, expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop, change the value of the string value "HungAppTimeout" to 200, and then change the value of the string value "WaitToKillAppTimeout" to 1000;
② Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control, change the numerical data of the string value "HungAppTimeout" to 200, and change the numerical data of the string value "WaitToKillServiceTimeout" to [1000];
③Use Microsoft to optimize startup speed. We download it on Microsoft's official website first, then unzip it and run it. Then select next boot and driver delays under Trace. After that, XP will restart and generate the record startup data into a BIN file. Then open this file in "file\open" and select Optimize system under Trace.
Tip: This optimization takes a long time, please be patient.
Clear unused DLL files in the registry:
In [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\[HKKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[SOFTWARE]\[Microsoft]\[Windows]\[CurrentVersion]\[Explorer]
Add a machine code [AlwaysUnloadDLL] The default value is [1]
If the default value is set to [0], it means that this function is disabled
Speed up broadband connection speed:
In [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[SOFTWARE]\[Policies]\[Microsoft]\[Windows]
Add a machine code called [Psched]
Add a Dword value to the right window of [Psched] [NonBestEffortLimit] The numerical data is [0]
"Only applicable to Windows XP Home Version"
Speed up menu display:
In [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\[HKEY_CURRENT_USER]\[Control Panel]\[Desktop]\\[Number of the string value [MenuShowDelay] to [0]
After adjustment, if you feel that the menu display speed is too fast and you are not suitable, you can change the numerical data of [MenuShowDelay] to [200]
Restart takes effect.
Speed up automatic update rate:
In [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[System]\[CurrentControlSet]\[Control]\[Update]\[Regedit]\[0]. Restart takes effect.
Close unwanted programs loading at startup:
If there are too many programs to run when booting, it will affect the startup speed. First check which files will run when booting.
In [Start]\[Run]\[Sign]\[msconfig]\Select [Start]
The program in startup represents the program to be run when the computer is started. If you need to temporarily stop running some programs, you can cancel the [X] symbol in [□]. If you want to resume running this program when booting, you can add the [X] symbol in [□].
Deactivate unwanted services:
In [Start]\[Run]\[Type][] to open the service window
Check the window on the right to select [Prohibited] in [Start Type]; then select [Disable] in [Service Status]
Make good use of the L2 Cache of CPU to speed up overall performance:
In [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[SYSTEM]\[CurrentControlSet]\[Control]\[SessionManager]\[MemoryManagement]\[SecondLevelDataCache] to the same decimal value as CPU L2 Cache
Example: The L2 Cache of P4 1.6G is 256Kb, and the numerical data is changed to a decimal value of 256
The values for L2 Cache are not as random as some irresponsible web pages. For example, the L2 Cache of P4 1.6G is 256Kb, but the L2 Cache of P4 1.6GA is 512Kb.
Readers can query information about the CPU's L2 Cache through the network.
Run the Defrag program when starting the computer:
In [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[SOFTWARE]\[Microsoft]\[Dfrg]\[BootOptimizefunction]
Set the string value [Enable] to [Y] equals on, and set to [N] equals off.
Reduce wait time during multiple boots:
Method 1: Use Notepad to open the file in the C:\ directory, change the setting value of the content [timeout] from the preset 30 (seconds) to the number of seconds required to wait, and save it.
Method 2: You can also type [msconfig] by [Start]\[Run]\[Open]\[The option] to modify the number of seconds.
Method 3: Right-click "My Computer", select Properties\Advanced\Startup and Failure Recovery\Settings, and modify the startup waiting time here.
Turn off the XP built-in disc burning function:
If you do not intend to use this feature, you can turn it off, which can speed up the use of Nero burn software, because Windows XP burn system is provided by Roxio (i.e., in the same company as Easy Cd Creator).
In [Control Panel]\[Administrative Tools]\[Service]\[Select [IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service]\[Startup Type]\[Disabled]
Automatically close the stop response program when shutting down:
In [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\[HKEY_USERS]\[.DEFAULT]\[Control Panel]\[Desktop]\[AutoEndTasks] to [1]
Just log out or restart.
Remove Windows Messenger:
First use Wordpad to open the file under X:\WINDOWS\inf
X=(disk area where XP is located)
Content [msmsgs=,OcEntry,,hide,7]
Change to [msmsgs=,OcEntry,,7]
Archive and Exit
Then, after "Control Panel"\[Add or Remove Programs]\[Add/Remove Windows Components]\[Windows Messenger]\[Next Step]\[Complete], it will be successfully removed.
Stop "Insufficient Disk Space" notification:
Windows XP will issue a notification of "Insufficient Disk Space" when the capacity of the disk drive is less than 200MB
If you need to stop this function, you can change the login file by following the program below
In [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[Software]\[Microsoft]\[Windows]\[CurrentVersion]\[Policies]\[Explorer](If there is already, do not increase)\[Explorer]\[DWORD value[NoLowDiskSpaceChecks]
The value data is [1] = stop notification, the value data is [0] = default value start notification
Close windows automatic update:
Right mouse click [My Computer]\[Content]\[Auto update]
Select "Switch off automatic update, I want to update my computer manually"
Close the startup window logo screen:
In [Start]\[Run]\[System [msconfig]\Select []
Then select [NOGUIBOOT] in [Start Options]
The window sign is gone when the computer is restarted
Play DVD with Windows Media Player 9:
Windows Media Player appears in [Start]\[Run]\[DVDPlay]
You can play DVD by operating the VCD type. Of course, you must have a DVDRom device.
If there is still a problem, type [regedit]\select [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] in [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\Select [HKEY_CURRENT_USER]
\〔Software〕\〔Microsoft〕\〔MediaPlayer〕\〔Player〕\〔Settings〕The window is on the right side of the window
Add a string value [EnableDVDUI] The numerical data is [yes]
Turn off the automatic restart function:
When Windows XP encounters serious problems, it will suddenly restart. Press Change to cancel this feature
In [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\Select [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[SYSTEM]
\[CurrentControlSet]\[Control]\[CrashControl]\\[AutoReboot] dword value to [0] Reboot to take effect
Remove shared documents:
Except for Normal [My Document] and [Shared Documents], each user will have an independent binder.
The following settings will only keep my binder, and the rest will not be displayed.
In [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\Select [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[SOFTWARE]
\[Microsoft]\[Windows]\[CurrentVersion]\[Explorer]\[MyComputer]\[NameSpace]\[DelegateFolders]\[{59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}] machine code
Cancel IE automatic thumbnail function:
Internet Explorer 6 When browsing pictures as large as the screen, the pictures will automatically shrink. If you need to cancel this function, you can modify it as follows:
In [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\[HKEY_CURRENT_USER]\[Software]\[Microsoft]\[Internet Explorer]\[Main][Enable AutoImageResize] The data value is [NO]
Let IE6 download more than two files at the same time:
Internet Explorer 6 can only download at most two files at the same time.
Press Modify to download up to ten files at the same time
In [Start]\[Run]\[Regedit]\[HKEY_CURRENT_USER]\[\Software]\[Microsoft]\[Windows]\[CurrentVersion]\[InternetSettings]
Add the following two [Dword] values in the right window
[MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server] The numerical data is [0000000a], i.e. decimal [10]
[MaxConnectionsPerServer] The numerical data is [0000000a], i.e. decimal [10]
Restart the computer to take effect