Updated on 2025-03-10

The difference between @classmethod and @staticmethod in Python


  • class method is a method that is bound to the class, not a method that is bound to the class object (instance)
  • The class method can access the state of the class because it can accept a parameter (cls) pointing to the class, rather than a parameter (self) pointing to the class instance.
  • class method can modify the state of a class and apply it to all class instances.
class C(object):
    def fun(cls, arg1, arg2, ...):
fun: function that needs to be converted into a class method
returns: a class method for function.


  • class method is also a method that is bound to class, not a method that is bound to class objects (instances)
  • class method cannot access the status of the class
  • class method exists in the class because it is a related function
class C(object):
    def fun(arg1, arg2, ...):
returns: a static method for function fun.

3. Example

class A(object):
    value = 42
    def m1(self):

    def m2(cls):
         += 10

    def m3(cls_instance):
        cls_instance.value -= 10

#The editor has created a Python learning exchange group: 531509025a = A() # 
a.m1 # <bound method A.m1 of <__main__.A object at 0x7fc8400b7da0>>
a.m1() # 42
# m1()YesANormal methods in,Must be called on the instantiated object。If used directlyA.m1()Will getm1() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'Error message。

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