Updated on 2025-03-10

Detailed explanation of how to use pprof to simply detect and fix memory leaks in Go language

Although Go has automatic garbage collection (GC), which can recycle memory that is no longer used, this does not mean that there will be no memory leaks in Go programs. The essence of memory leaks is that there are objects in the program, and even if they are no longer needed, their references remain for some reason, causing the garbage collector to not reclaim the memory of these objects.

Common causes of memory leaks

Here are some common scenarios and causes of memory leaks:

1. Unreleased Goroutine

Goroutine is a lightweight thread for Go, but if the Goroutine is blocked or is waiting for the condition to complete, it may cause a Goroutine to leak, which in turn will lead to memory leaks.

2. Holding citations for a long time

If there are references to certain global variables, caches, etc. in the program that hold objects for a long time, even if these objects are not needed, they will not be collected by the garbage collector, resulting in memory leaks.

3. Unclosed channel

If the channel is not closed correctly, it may cause Goroutine to block on channel operation, resulting in memory leaks.

4. Use the unreleased

is an object pool used to reuse objects to reduce memory allocation. But if the object reference in the object pool is not released, it may cause memory leaks.

5. Closure Capture Variables

Closures are very common in Go, but if they capture variable references that are no longer needed, these variables continue to take up memory, resulting in leaks.

6. Problems with third-party libraries

Some third-party libraries may retain some global state or Goroutine internally, which can lead to memory leaks. If it is suspected that it is a memory leak caused by a third-party library, you can check the library's implementation, or replace it with a more efficient implementation.

In Go, pprof is a performance analysis and diagnostic tool that can help you view the runtime information of your program, including detailed data on CPU usage, memory usage, memory allocation, memory leaks, etc. pprof can help us discover and diagnose memory leaks, excessive memory allocation and other problems in our programs.

Use pprof to detect and fix memory leaks in Go

1. Enable pprof for performance analysis

The Go standard library comes with the net/http/pprof package, which can help you enable performance analysis in your program and view various runtime statistics through the web interface. You can easily collect and view memory performance data by enabling HTTP servers and integrating pprof packages.

Integrate pprof into the program

First, we need to enable pprof in our Go program and expose the performance analysis interface through the HTTP server. The net/http/pprof package can be introduced anywhere:

package main

import (
	_ "net/http/pprof" // Introduce the pprof package	"log"

func main() {
	// Start the HTTP server and expose the pprof interface	go func() {
		(("localhost:6060", nil))

	// Simulate program execution	for {
		// You can put your business logic code here	}

In the above code, ("localhost:6060", nil) starts an HTTP server, listens for the localhost:6060 port, and exposes the pprof interface. Through this interface, we can access information such as CPU performance, memory allocation, stack trace, etc.

Access pprof information

After starting the program, visit http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/ to view various performance analysis data.

Here are some commonly used pprof paths:

  • http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap: Check the allocation of heap memory.
  • http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/profile: Get the CPU performance analysis report.
  • http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/goroutine: View the stack information of the current Goroutine.
  • http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/block: View blocking Goroutine.
  • http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/threadcreate: Check the thread creation situation.

2. Analyze memory usage

Generate memory report

Memory reports can help you diagnose memory leaks, especially if memory continues to increase but is not released.

By accessing http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap, you can get the memory allocation of the heap. This report lists the stack information of the current memory, including the allocation and release of each object.

Further analysis is performed through Go's pprof tool

Go provides a command line tool pprof to download and analyze pprof data. You can use it to generate stack analysis reports to identify potential memory leaks.

Download the memory report:

go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap

Use the pprof tool to load memory reports:

go tool pprof 

This launches an interactive command line interface where you can view the analysis results using the following command:

top: Shows the function that consumes the most memory.

list <function>: View detailed memory allocation information of the specified function.

heap: View the heap view of memory allocation.

web: Generate a graphical view of memory allocation.

Identify memory leaks

Growing memory: If you find that the program's heap memory is growing and there is no obvious recycling, this may be a sign of memory leaks. Use the top or list command to view the specific memory allocation situation and see which functions consume the most memory.

Unfreed Objects: If some objects are not garbage collected (GC) after use, they may cause memory leaks.

3. Fix memory leaks

After analysis with the pprof tool, you can locate the source of the memory leak. Common memory leak problems are:

Long-term references to large objects: If you keep large objects or data structures in memory for a long time without cleaning or freeing them in time, it will lead to memory leaks.

Goroutine Leak: A created Goroutine does not exit correctly or is recycled after completing the task, resulting in a memory leak.

Unclosed Channels: Unclosed channels may cause Goroutine blockage, which in turn leads to memory leaks.

Fix memory leak example

If you find that the cause of the leak is that you did not clean up certain objects in time, you can fix the problem by manually clearing the reference:

package main

import (

func main() {
	var objects []interface{}
	for i := 0; i &lt; 1000; i++ {
		// Simulate to create a large number of objects		objects = append(objects, struct {
			ID int
		}{ID: ()})

	// Assuming we forget to clean up object references, this could lead to memory leaks	// Fix: Clean up quotations in time	objects = nil // Manually clean up object references to allow garbage collection
	// Wait for GC to execute and check the results	(1 * )

In this example, the garbage collector reclaims memory by explicitly setting the objects slice to nil to clear the reference.

Avoid Goroutine leaks

Goroutine leaks are usually because Goroutine is not over. You can ensure that all Goroutines are completed by:

package main

import (

func worker(id int, wg *) {
	defer () // Notify WaitGroup after completion
	("Worker %d starting\n", id)
	(2 * )
	("Worker %d done\n", id)

func main() {
	var wg 

	// Start 5 Goroutines	for i := 0; i &lt; 5; i++ {
		go worker(i, &amp;wg)

	// Wait for all Goroutines to complete	()

In this example, it is used to ensure that all Goroutines are finished before exiting, avoiding Goroutine leaks.

Avoid unclosed channels

Make sure the channel is closed correctly to avoid memory leaks:

package main

import (

func main() {
	ch := make(chan int, 1)

	go func() {
		ch &lt;- 42
		close(ch) // Make sure to close the channel	}()

	val, ok := &lt;-ch
	if ok {


Use Go's pprof package to enable performance analysis and collect data such as heap memory, CPU performance, etc. through the HTTP interface.

You can analyze memory leaks and performance bottlenecks through the go tool pprof tool to locate possible problems.

Common memory leak problems include: long-term holding objects, Goroutine leaks, unclosed channels, etc.

By fixing memory leaks, it can effectively reduce memory usage and improve program stability.

Using pprof can help you better diagnose and fix memory leaks in Go, improving application performance and stability.

This is the article about how to use pprof to simply detect and repair memory leaks in Go language. For more related content on Go pprof to detect and repair memory leaks, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!