Without further ado, please see the code:
//The username cannot be a pure number when registering, to prevent one person's username from being the same as another person's mobile phone numberpublic function Login(){ if (IS_AJAX) { $username = I(''); //var_dump($username); $password = I(''); $user = M("cuser"); $res=$user->where("login_id='{$username}' OR phone='{$username}'")->find(); if (!empty($res) && $res['password']==md5($password)) { $status=1; //The user name is correct and the password is correct. }elseif(!empty($res) && $res['password']!==md5($password)){ $status=2; //The user name is correct and the password is incorrect. }elseif(empty($res)){ $status=3; //The user name does not exist. } $this->ajaxReturn($status); exit(); } $mobile = parent::isMobile(); if($mobile=="true"){ $this->display(Wap_Login); }else{ $this->display(Login); } }
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