Regarding why packaging programs and packaging compressed files.MDB is provided
Haiyang Top Network Asp * 2006 file
Unzip the package file ""
Haiyang Top Network Asp * 2006 C/s Mode Converter
Haiyang Top Network Asp * 2006 Dedicated short server side
c/s mode converter
Haiyang Top Network Asp * 2006_lite version combiner
Use customization to generate lite version of * horses that are corresponding to their functions
hididi.'s configuration file
Question 1:
It is the file you wrote that Xiaoma is packaged/revealed. I want to know that after I download the file, it is .mdb suffix. How can I recover it? For example, after I package a folder and download it, how can I recover it?
Please use the files in the official version of Ocean Top Asp * 2006 to unzip!
The file name of mdb must be (that is, the default name)
There are three VB files in the VB unpacking tool. The unpacking tools of the three stages
One is the unpacking tool for ocean packaging. Solution HYTOP. MDB
One is ADMIN (similar to the ocean). Solution PACKET. MDB
One is the veteran's unpacking tool. Solution to TOMDB. TDB
Note: You put the VB script file and the MDB file in the same directory and execute the VB script. How many minutes will it take, wait for the prompt to complete. (The incomplete package is not completed forcibly exiting the solution.)
Dim rs, ws, fso, conn, stream, connStr, theFolder Set rs = CreateObject("") Set stream = CreateObject("") Set conn = CreateObject("") Set fso = CreateObject("") connStr = "Provider=.4.0;Data Source=;" connStr "FileData", conn, 1, 1 = 1 On Error Resume Next Do Until theFolder = Left(rs("thePath"), InStrRev(rs("thePath"), "\")) If (theFolder) = False Then createFolder(theFolder) End If () rs("fileContent") str & rs("thePath"), 2 Loop Set ws = Nothing Set rs = Nothing Set stream = Nothing Set conn = Nothing "All files are released!" Sub createFolder(thePath) Dim i i = Instr(thePath, "\") Do While i > 0 If (Left(thePath, i)) = False Then (Left(thePath, i - 1)) End If If InStr(Mid(thePath, i + 1), "\") Then i = i + Instr(Mid(thePath, i + 1), "\") Else i = 0 End If Loop End Sub
Packaging base veterans' special decompression tool.vbs
Dim rs, ws, fso, conn, stream, connStr, theFolder Set rs = CreateObject("") Set stream = CreateObject("") Set conn = CreateObject("") Set fso = CreateObject("") connStr = "Provider=.4.0;Data Source=;" connStr "wz", conn, 1, 1 = 1 On Error Resume Next Do Until thePath = rs("folder") & "\" theFolder = Left(thePath, InStrRev(thePath, "\")) If (theFolder) = False Then createFolder(theFolder) End If () rs("body") str & thepath & rs("file"), 2 Loop Set ws = Nothing Set rs = Nothing Set stream = Nothing Set conn = Nothing "All files are released!" Sub createFolder(thePath) Dim i i = Instr(thePath, "\") Do While i > 0 If (Left(thePath, i)) = False Then (Left(thePath, i - 1)) End If If InStr(Mid(thePath, i + 1), "\") Then i = i + Instr(Mid(thePath, i + 1), "\") Else i = 0 End If Loop End Sub
Ocean decompression tool
Dim rs, ws, fso, conn, stream, connStr, theFolder Set rs = CreateObject("") Set stream = CreateObject("") Set conn = CreateObject("") Set fso = CreateObject("") connStr = "Provider=.4.0;Data Source=;" connStr "FileData", conn, 1, 1 = 1 On Error Resume Next Do Until theFolder = Left(rs("thePath"), InStrRev(rs("thePath"), "\")) If (theFolder) = False Then createFolder(theFolder) End If () rs("fileContent") str & rs("thePath"), 2 Loop Set ws = Nothing Set rs = Nothing Set stream = Nothing Set conn = Nothing "All files are released!" Sub createFolder(thePath) Dim i i = Instr(thePath, "\") Do While i > 0 If (Left(thePath, i)) = False Then (Left(thePath, i - 1)) End If If InStr(Mid(thePath, i + 1), "\") Then i = i + Instr(Mid(thePath, i + 1), "\") Else i = 0 End If Loop End Sub
This is the article about sending Veterans and Ocean VBS unpacking tool code. For more related VBS unpacking tool content, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!