Updated on 2025-03-10

Summary of all single-letter methods in ThinkPHP3.2.3

ThinkPHP3.2.3 was a popular PHP development framework in the past. Now, although in addition to versions 5 and 6, many projects still use ThinkPHP3. The letter functions in ThinkPHP3 are a type of functions that start with letters. They have very rich functions, including string processing, file processing, date-time processing, and HTTP protocol processing.

A: Instantiated multi-layer controller Format: [Resource://][Module/] Controller

  * Instantiated multi-layer controller Format: [Resource://][Module/] Controller
  * @param string $name Resource address
  * @param string $layer Control layer name
  * @param integer $level Controller hierarchy
  * @return Controller|false

B: Execute a certain behavior

  * Perform a certain action
  * @param string $name behavior name
  * @param string $tag tag name (behavior class does not need to be passed in)
  * @param Mixed $params Parameters passed in
  * @return void
B($name, $tag='',&$params=NULL)

C: Obtain and set configuration parameters Support batch definition

  * Get and set configuration parameters Support batch definition
  * @param string|array $name configuration variable
  * @param mixed $value configuration value
  * @param mixed $default Default
  * @return mixed
C($name=null, $value=null,$default=null)

D: Instantiated model class Format [Resource://][Module/] Model

  * Instantiated model class Format [Resource://][Module/] Model
  * @param string $name resource address
  * @param string $layer Model layer name
  * @return Model

M: Instantiate a Model without a model file

  * Instantiate a Model without a model file
  * @param string $name Model name Supports specifying basic models, such as MongoModel:User
  * @param string $tablePrefix table prefix
  * @param mixed $connection Database connection information
  * @return Model
M($name='', $tablePrefix='',$connection='')

E: Exception processing

  * Exception throwing
  * @param string $msg Exception message
  * @param integer $code exception code default is 0
  * @return void
E($msg, $code=0)

F: Fast file data reading and saving for simple types of data Strings, arrays

  * Fast file data reading and saving For simple type data Strings, arrays
  * @param string $name cache name
  * @param mixed $value cache value
  * @param string $path cache path
  * @return mixed
F($name, $value='', $path=DATA_PATH)

G: Recording and counting time (microseconds) and memory usage

  * Record and count time (microseconds) and memory usage
  *How to use:
  * <code>
  * G('begin'); // Record start mark bit
  * // ... interval running code
  * G('end'); // Record end tag bit
  * echo G('begin','end',6); // Statistical interval running time is accurate to 6 digits after the decimal
  * echo G('begin','end','m'); // Statistics the interval memory usage
  * If the end tag bit is not defined, the current tag bit will be automatically used as the tag bit.
  * The MEMORY_LIMIT_ON constant is true to be valid
  * </code>
  * @param string $start Start tag
  * @param string $end end tag
  * @param integer|string $dec decimal places or m
  * @return mixed

I: Get input parameters Support filtering and default values

  * Get input parameters Support filtering and default values
  *How to use:
  * <code>
  * I('id',0); Get id parameters Automatically judge get or post
  * I('','','htmlspecialchars'); Get $_POST['name']
  * I('get.'); Get $_GET
  * </code>
  * @param string $name The name of the variable supports specified types
  * @param mixed $default Default when it does not exist
  * @param mixed $filter parameter filtering method
  * @param mixed $datas Additional data source to get
  * @return mixed

L: Get and set language definitions (case insensitive)

  * Get and set language definitions (case insensitive)
  * @param string|array $name Language variable
  * @param mixed $value Language value or variable
  * @return mixed
L($name=null, $value=null)

N: Set and get statistics

  * Set and get statistics
  *How to use:
  * <code>
  * N('db',1); // Record the number of database operations
  * N('read',1); // Record the number of reads
  * echo N('db'); // Get all operations in the current page database
  * echo N('read'); // Get the number of times the current page is read
  * </code>
  * @param string $key Identify the location
  * @param integer $step step value
  * @return mixed
N($key, $step=0,$save=false)

R: Operation method for remote call controller URL parameter format [Resource://][Module/] Controller/Operation

  * Operation method for remote call controller URL parameter format [Resource://][Module/]Controller/Operation
  * @param string $url call address
  * @param string|array $vars call parameters Support strings and arrays
  * @param string $layer Name of the control layer to be called
  * @return mixed

S: Cache Management

  * Cache management
  * @param mixed $name cache name, if cache setting is performed for array representation
  * @param mixed $value cache value
  * @param mixed $options cache parameters
  * @return mixed

T: Get template file Format Resource://module@theme/controller/operation

  * Get template file Format Resource://module@theme/controller/operation
  * @param string $name template resource address
  * @param string $layer View layer (directory) name
  * @return string

U: URL assembly supports different URL modes

  * URL assembly supports different URL modes
  * @param string $url URL expression, format: '[Module/Controller/Operation#Anchor point@Domain Name]? Parameter 1=Value 1&Parameter 2=Value 2...'
  * @param string|array $vars passed in parameters, supporting arrays and strings
  * @param string $suffix pseudo-static suffix, default to true to obtain configuration value
  * @param boolean $domain Whether to display the domain name
  * @return string

W: Rendering output Widget

  * Rendering output Widget
  * @param string $name Widget name
  * @param array $data Parameters passed in
  * @return void
W($name, $data=array())

This is the end of this article about all the single-letter methods of ThinkPHP3.2.3. This is the end of this article. For more related contents of ThinkPHP3.2.3, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!