Updated on 2025-03-10

Simplify Linux command input

In LINUX, there are many commonly used commands. We can skillfully remember commonly used commands, but we may need to read the manual for infrequently used commands, but we can simplify the input of these commands to achieve the effect of simple memory.

Here we take BSH as an example:

Edit the /etc/bashrc file (all users who use this SHELL can enjoy the convenience. If you do not have ROOT permission, edit the .bashrc file in your own directory. The difference is that only you can use the alias defined below)

Add this paragraph to the end:

alias l="ls --color -l"
alias lm="ls --color -l | more"
alias la="ls --color -l -a"

This way, we can use "l" alone to list long directories. Using "lm" can list directories on split screen, and as for "la", they can list hidden files at the same time.

Just simply enter C: you can access your DOS partition (ROOT permission is required, /mnt/dos needs to be established in advance). After loading the DOS partition, you can uninstall the DOS file system through UC: and give prompts as you would when loading.

The English between these two paragraphs can be set by yourself, and you can output blank lines through echo \ to see how you design it beautifully.