Updated on 2025-03-10

The correct way and best practices for shell script exit

Introduction to this article

A script that cannot exit properly may leave temporary files, locked files, or other resources that may interfere with other processes or pose security risks. The correct ending of the Bash shell script is important to solve the above problems.

  • First, it ensures that the script terminates as expected, leaving no unfinished business or causing unexpected errors. This is especially important when scripts are part of the entire workflow or automation process, as any error or inconsistency can disrupt the entire process.
  • Second, correct script termination is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the system and its resources. A script that cannot exit properly may leave temporary files, locked files, or other resources that may interfere with other processes or pose security risks.
  • Finally, a properly exit script can communicate its results to the user or the calling process through the exit code, making troubleshooting and diagnosing problems easier. By setting the appropriate exit code, the script can indicate success, failure, or other specific conditions that the calling process can use to take further action.

EXIT Exit Instruction

The "exit" command is one of the most common ways to terminate a Bash shell script. It allows the script to exit at any time during execution, and can use an optional exit code to indicate the reason for the script to terminate.

# Check if a file existsif [ -f "" ]; then
  echo "The file exists"
  exit 0 # Exit successfullyelse
  echo "The file does not exist"
  exit 1 # Exit exception with instructionsfi

In this example, the script uses the "-f" test operator to check if a file named "" exists. If the file exists, the script prints a message to the console and exits with success code 0 using the "exit" command. If the file does not exist, the script prints a different message and exits with error code 1.

The "exit" command can also be used to handle errors or unexpected situations during script execution. For example, suppose a script needs to access resources that may not be available, such as a network service or a database. In this case, the script can be terminated gracefully with an error message and an appropriate exit code using the "exit" command.


# Connect to the databaseif ! mysql -h localhost -u root -psecret mydatabase -e "SELECT 1"; then
  echo "Error: Could not connect to database"
  exit 1

# Perform some operations on the database# ...

# Disconnectmysql -h localhost -u root -psecret mydatabase -e "QUIT"

In this example, the script attempts to connect to the MySQL database using the "mysql" command line client. If the connection fails, the script prints an error message to the console and exits with error code 1. If the connection is successful, the script performs some operations on the database and then disconnects using the "QUIT" command.

By using the "exit" command with appropriate exit code, the script can communicate its results to other processes or users, making it easier to troubleshoot and diagnose problems. For example, a calling script or automation system can check the exit code of the Bash script to determine if it completes successfully or if an error occurs.

Exit using return statement in function

In a Bash script, functions are used to group relevant commands and reuse them in multiple parts of the script. When using functions, it is important to exit them correctly to avoid unexpected behavior or errors. One way is to use the "return" command inside the function to exit with a specific status code.

Here is an example of using "return" within a function:


# Define a function and return the sum of numbersfunction add_numbers {
  local num1=$1
  local num2=$2
  local sum=$((num1 + num2))
  return $sum

# Call the function and print the resultadd_numbers 3 71
echo "3 + 71 = $result" 

In this example, the script defines a function called "add_numbers" that takes two parameters and returns their sum. Inside the function, use the "return" command to exit with the sum as the return value.

When calling a function, the script uses the "$?" variable containing the exit status of the previous executing command to store the result of the "add_numbers" function in the "result" variable. The script then prints the result to the console.

The "return" command can also be used to handle errors or unexpected situations inside functions. For example, suppose a function needs to read data from a file, but the file does not exist. In this case, the function can exit with an error code and an error message using the "return" command.


# Define a function to read a filefunction read_file {
  local file=$1
  if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
    echo "Error: File $file not found"
    return 1
  cat $file

# Call the function and print the resultread_file ""

In this example, the script defines a function named "read_file" that takes the file name as a parameter and uses the "cat" command to read the contents of the file. Inside the function, the script uses the "-f" test operator to check if the file exists. If the file does not exist, the function prints an error message to the console and exits with error code 1 using the "return" command.

When calling a function, the script passes the file name to the "read_file" function. If the file exists, the function will read its contents and print it to the console. If the file does not exist, the function prints an error message and returns an error code 1, which can be used by the calling script or process to handle the error accordingly.

Using the "return" command inside a function is a great way to correctly exit the function and communicate its results to other parts of the script or to the calling process. By using the appropriate return values ​​and error codes, the script can handle unexpected situations and improve its overall robustness and reliability.

Using Trap

In a Bash script, use the "trap" command to capture signals and perform specific actions before gracefully exiting the script. A signal is an event that can be sent to a running script or process, such as interrupting it or abruptly terminating it. By using "trap" to capture signals, the script can perform a cleanup operation or exit gracefully without leaving any unfinished business or resources.

Here is an example of using "trap" to capture signals and exit gracefully:


# Define a function to perform a cleanup actionfunction cleanup {
  echo "Cleaning up..."
  # Delete temporary files, clean legacy services, etc.}

# Capture signals and perform cleanup actionstrap cleanup EXIT

# Perform some operations, but may be interrupted# ...

# Exit successfullyexit 0

In this example, the script defines a function called "cleanup" that performs cleaning operations such as deleting temporary files or stopping services. The script then uses the "trap" command to capture the "EXIT" signal, which is sent when the script is about to exit. When the signal is captured, the script calls the "cleanup" function to perform any necessary cleanup operations and then exits gracefully.

The "trap" command can also capture other signals, such as the "INT" signal sent by pressing Ctrl+C, or the "TERM" signal sent by the process that wants to terminate the script. Here is an example of using "trap" to capture the "INT" signal and gracefully process it:


# Define a function that handles interruptsfunction handle_interrupt {
  echo "Interrupted. Cleaning up..."
  # Delete temporary files and exit the temporary background process, etc.  exit 1

# Set callback to capture interrupt signaltrap handle_interrupt INT

# Execute some complex tasks, but may be interrupted# ...

# Exit successfullyexit 0

In this example, the script defines a function called "handle_interrupt" that gracefully handles the "INT" signal by printing a message to the console, performing any necessary cleanup operations and exiting with error code 1. The script then uses the "trap" command to capture the "INT" signal and call the "handle_interrupt" function.

By using "trap" to capture signals and handle them gracefully, Bash scripts can avoid unexpected errors or inconsistencies and ensure that any necessary cleanup operations are performed before exiting. This is especially important when scripts are part of a larger workflow or automated process, as any error or inconsistency can disrupt the entire process.

Reasonable use conditional statements

In a Bash script, conditional statements are used to control the flow of scripts based on specific conditions or standards. By using conditional statements, scripts can perform different code blocks or perform different operations based on variable values, user input, or other factors.

Here is an example of using conditional statements to control script flow:


# Check if the file existsif [ -f "" ]; then
  echo "The file exists"
  echo "The file does not exist"

# Check whether the variable is emptymyvar="hello"
if [ -z "$myvar" ]; then
  echo "The variable is empty"
  echo "The variable is not empty"

# Check whether the user is rootif [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then
  echo "You must be root to run this script"
  exit 1

# Perform some operation and maintenance operations that rely on root permissions# ...

# Execute successfullyexit 0

In this example, the script uses conditional statements to perform different operations based on specific conditions. The first conditional statement uses the "-f" test operator to check whether a file named "" exists. If the file exists, the script will print a message to the console. If the file does not exist, the script will print a different message.

The second conditional statement uses the "-z" test operator to check whether the variable named "myvar" is empty. If the variable is empty, the script will print a message to the console. If the variable is not empty, the script will print a different message.

The third conditional statement uses the "whoami" command and the "!=" operator to check whether the user running the script is root. If the user is not root, the script will print an error message to the console and exit with error code 1 using the "exit" command.

By using conditional statements, scripts can perform different operations based on specific conditions or standards, making them more flexible and adaptable to different scenarios. Conditional statements can also be nested or used in conjunction with other statements such as loops or functions to create more complex logic and behaviors in Bash scripts.

Reasonable notes

Adding comments to Bash scripts is a basic practice that can help other developers or users understand the purpose and behavior of scripts. Comments are lines of text in scripts that are ignored by the Bash interpreter and can be used to provide context, logic or algorithms that interpret code, or to add comments or warnings about specific parts or commands.

Here is an example of adding comments to a Bash script:


# The purpose of this script is to check whether the file exists and print it to the terminal# Author: SuperOps# Date: 2023-01-01
# Define file namefilename=""

# Use -f to check whether the file existsif [ -f "$filename" ]; then
  echo "The file $filename exists"
  echo "The file $filename does not exist"

# Exit successfullyexit 0

In this example, the script includes comments before each code segment to explain its purpose and behavior. The first comment provides an overview of the purpose of the script and mentions the author and date. The second comment explains the variable "filename" and its purpose in scripts.

The third comment explains the conditional statement that uses the "-f" test operator to check if a file exists. It mentions the purpose of the statement and the expected results if the file exists or does not exist. The fourth comment explains the purpose of the "exit" command and how it makes the script exit gracefully.

By adding comments in a Bash script, other developers or users can more easily understand the purpose and behavior of the script, making it easier to modify or debug the code. Comments can also be used as documentation to provide context and explanation for future users who may not be involved in script development.

Based on Error-handling mechanism

In Bash scripts, the error handling mechanism is a necessary means to prevent accidental termination and ensure that the script is reliable and predictable. By including an error handling mechanism, scripts can detect and deal with errors or unexpected situations that may occur during execution, preventing scripts from failing or causing other problems.
Here are some examples of error handling mechanisms that can be included in Bash scripts:

  • Use the "set -e" option: This option causes the script to exit immediately if any command or pipeline returns a non-zero exit code. This can help catch errors early and prevent the script from continuing to run in an invalid state.
  • Use the "set -u" option: This option causes the script to exit whenever it references any undefined variables in the code. This can help catch typos or other errors that can cause unexpected behavior.
  • Use the "set -o pipefail" option: This option causes the script to exit when any commands in the pipeline fail, rather than continuing with possible invalid input.
  • Use "if" statement to handle errors: You can use the "if" statement to check the exit code of a command or function and handle errors appropriately. For example, if a command returns a non-zero exit code, the script can use the "exit" command to print an error message and exit, and return a non-zero exit code when exiting.
  • Use the "trap" command to catch errors: You can use the "trap" command to capture errors or signals and perform specific actions, such as printing an error message or performing a cleanup operation before exiting.

Here is an example of including an error handling mechanism in a Bash script:


set -e
set -u
set -o pipefail

function perform_operation {
  # Execute operation and maintenance operations that may fail  # ...

if ! perform_operation; then
  echo "Error: Operation failed"
  exit 1

# Perform dependency operation and maintenance operations# ...

# Exit successfullyexit 0

In this example, the script sets the "set -e", "set -u", and "set -o pipefail" options to catch errors as early as possible and prevent accidental termination. The script defines a function called "perform_operation" that performs certain operations that may fail. If the operation fails, the script prints an error message and exits with error code 1.

By including error handling mechanisms in Bash scripts, developers can ensure that the script runs reliably and predictably, catch errors as early as possible and prevent accidental termination. This can help avoid problems that may arise during larger workflows or automation and make scripts more robust and easy to maintain over time.

Use the exit code reasonably

In a Bash script, the exit code is used to communicate the results of the script to other processes or users. The exit code is a numeric value between 0 and 255, which is returned by the "exit" command when the script exits. The exit code can be used to indicate whether the script has completed successfully or encountered an error and provides additional information about the reason for the script to terminate.

Here are some common exit codes and their meanings in Bash scripts:

  • Exit code 0: means success, that is, the script is completed without encountering any errors.
  • Exit code 1-127: indicates an error or warning, different codes are used to indicate different types of errors.
  • Exit code 128-255: indicates a fatal error, such as a signal or abort.

Here is an example of using exit code to convey script results:


# Check if the file existsif [ -f "" ]; then
  echo "The file exists"
  exit 0 # Exit code successfullyelse
  echo "The file does not exist"
  exit 1 #Exception Exit Codefi

In this example, the script uses the "-f" test operator to check if a file named "" exists. If the file exists, the script prints a message to the console and exits with success code 0 using the "exit" command. If the file does not exist, the script prints a different message and exits with error code 1.

By using the exit code to convey the results of the script, other processes or users can determine whether the script has successfully completed or encountered an error. This is especially useful during automated pipelines or DevOps CICD orchestration, because the exit code can be used to determine the next step or take action based on the results of the script.

Using exit code in Bash scripts to convey script results is an important practice. By using the appropriate exit code, the script can communicate its success or failure to other processes or users, making it easier to troubleshoot and diagnose problems.

Cleaning of temporary files

In Bash scripts, cleaning temporary files and resources is an important practice that prevents confusion and ensures that the script runs reliably and predictably. Temporary files and resources are created during script execution and may need to be deleted or closed before the script exits to avoid problems or errors.

Here are some examples of how to clean temporary files and resources before exiting the Bash script:

  • Use the "trap" command: You can use the "trap" command to capture signals or events and perform specific actions before exiting the script. For example, the "trap" command can be used to capture the "EXIT" signal and perform a cleanup operation before exiting.

# Define the cleanup action to executefunction cleanup {
  # Delete temporary files, or close resource links, exit background processes, etc.  rm -f /tmp/mytempfile

# Set the signal for cleaning actiontrap cleanup EXIT

# Execute operation and maintenance actions that may generate temporary files# ...

# Exit successfullyexit 0
  • Use the "rm" command: You can use the "rm" command to delete temporary files or directories that are no longer needed. For example, you can delete a temporary file using the "rm" command at the end of the script.

# Execute operation and maintenance actions that may create temporary filesecho "Hello, world!" > /tmp/mytempfile

# Doing some operations will depend on temporary files# ...

# Perform the delete action before exitingrm -f /tmp/mytempfile

# Exit successfullyexit 0
  • Use trap to capture signals and perform cleanup operations: You can use the "trap" command to capture signals, such as "INT" or "TERM" and perform cleanup operations before exiting.

# Define cleanup action functionsfunction cleanup {
  # Delete temporary resources  rm -f /tmp/mytempfile

# Set the capture signal typetrap cleanup INT TERM

# Execute operation and maintenance operations, which rely on some temporary files, etc.# ...

# Exit successfullyexit 0

Cleaning temporary files and resources in Bash scripts is an important practice to prevent confusion and ensure that the script runs reliably and predictably. By using appropriate cleaning mechanisms such as the "trap" command or the "rm" command, developers can ensure that any temporary files or resources are deleted or closed before the script exits.

Debugging skills sorting

Debugging and testing are basic practices in Bash scripting to ensure that the script runs as expected and avoids problems or errors. Here are some tips for debugging and testing Bash scripts:

  • Enable debugging with the "-x" option: This option causes the script to print the command before executing each command, helping to determine where the problem or error may occur.
  • Use the "set -e" option to exit when an error occurs: This option causes the script to exit immediately when any command or pipeline returns a non-zero exit code, helps to catch errors as early as possible and prevents the script from continuing to run in an invalid state.
  • Print debug information using echo or printf statement: Printing variables, function calls, or other information to the console can help determine where a problem or error may occur.
  • Use the "set -u" option to exit on undefined variables: This option causes the script to exit when referenced by any undefined variable in the code, helping to catch spelling or other errors that may cause unexpected behavior.
  • Test specific parts of a script using conditional statements: Using "if" statements, "while" loops, or "for" loops can help test specific parts of the script to make sure it works as expected.
  • Test scripts with external tools: External tools such as ShellCheck or BashLint can help identify potential issues or errors in Bash scripts and provide suggestions for improvement.
  • Process user input using input validation: If the script relies on user input, verify the input to make sure its format is as expected and to prevent unexpected behavior or errors.
  • Test scripts in different environments: Test scripts in different environments, such as different versions of Bash or different operating systems to ensure that the scripts run as expected in all scenarios.


Following these Bash shell script debugging and testing tips, developers can ensure that the script runs reliably and predictably, avoiding problems or errors that affect greater workflows or automation processes.

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