Updated on 2025-03-10

Modify the batch code of file name

Example 1

@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 
echo -==File name replacement(Remove the file name_v2and_V3)==- 

set /p folder=Please enter a path: 

for /r %folder% %%i in (*) do ( 
set file=%%i 
set file=!file:_v2=! 
set file=!file:_v3=! 
if %%i neq !file! (move "%%i" "!file!") 

echo All file names are replaced。 
echo Press any key to exit。 

Example 2 Batch replacement modification file name

When you have many similar files, and the file names can be very regular but somewhat irregular... you can try this batch processing.

@echo off
title Batch replacement of partial strings in filenames&color 3f
echo Note:
echo This batch process can batch replace the same characters of all file names in the folder where this file is located.
echo.&set /p strtemp3= Please enter the file type to replace:
echo.&set /p strtemp1= Please enter the string to replace(Replaceable spaces):
echo.&set /p strtemp2= Please enter the replaced string(Delete and go directly to the car):
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /a /b *.%strtemp3%') do (
set nobird=%%a
ren "%%~a" "!nobird:%strtemp1%=%strtemp2%!")
echo.&echo.&echo.&echo.&echo Done!

Batch rename to the implementation code that increases by number

1. Collectively select right-click to rename the name of the file you want to rename it to a non-number
2. Save this command as bat in the directory to be renamed, change the name to (or change it to something else by yourself, and change the code as follows)

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%x in (*) do (
  if not "%%x"=="" (
    set /a sum+=1
    rename "%%x" "!sum!.txt"
echo Batch renaming is completed!

3. Change different suffix names according to your needs

Batch commands implement file specification renaming

Usually, we rarely use batch commands to realize this function through online learning and share it with friends in need.

Implement the name of all files (excluding subfolders) with the specified suffix name (such as JPG) in the folder where the batch is located is the file name with the specification.

@echo off&setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion 
set a=0
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b *.jpg') do ( 
if not "%%~ni"=="%~n0" ( 
if !a! LSS 10 (
ren "%%i" "sample0000!a!.jpg")else if !a! LSS 100 (
ren "%%i" "sample000!a!.jpg")else if !a! LSS 1000 (
ren "%%i" "sample00!a!.jpg")else if !a! LSS 10000 (
ren "%%i" "sample0!a!.jpg")else (
ren "%%i" "sample!a!.jpg")
set/a a+=1 

The above is the detailed content of the batch code for modifying file names. For more information about modifying file names, please pay attention to my other related articles!