Updated on 2025-03-10

php commonly used ODBC function set (detailed)

ODBC information acquisition class function
odbc_columnprivileges function: lists columns and related permissions of a given table
odbc_columns function: lists the names of columns in the specified table
odbc_cursor function: get the name of the cursor
odbc_data_source function: Return information about connecting to the database
odbc_error function: get the last error code
odbc_errormsg function: get the last error message
odbc_fetch_array function: get the result set array
odbc_fetch_into function: gets the specified column passed back
odbc_fetch_object function: Return the result set to the object
odbc_fetch_row function: gets the returned column
odbc_field_len function: get the length of the field
odbc_field_name function: get the name of the field
odbc_field_num function: get the field's sequence number
odbc_field_precision function: get the length of the field
odbc_field_scale function: get the floating point number of the field
odbc_field_type function: get the data type of the field
odbc_foreignkeys function: Return foreign keys for a specific table
odbc_gettypeinfo function: Returns the type information of the database
odbc_longreadlen function: set the maximum value of the returned column
odbc_num_fields function: get the number of fields
odbc_num_rows function: get the number of columns passed back
odbc_primarykeys function: Returns the name of the column as the primary key of the table
odbc_procedurecolumns function: Returns parameter information of the search process
odbc_procedures function: Get process information existing in a specific data source
odbc_result_all function: pass back HTML table information
odbc_result function: get the result data
odbc_specialcolumns function: Returns a column in a table that can be automatically updated when an update is transmitted.
odbc_statistics function: get the status of the table and its index
odbc_tableprivileges function: lists the permissions associated with tables and each table
odbc_tables function: get the name of the table on a specific database
odbc_autocommit function: Turn on or off automatic update
odbc_binmode function: Set the binary data processing method
odbc_next_result function: Check whether the next result set is available
odbc_setoption function: adjust ODBC settings