This article describes the usage of tp5.1 framework query expressions. Share it for your reference, as follows:
Query expressions
Query expressions support most SQL query syntax, which is alsoThinkPHP
The essence of query language and the format of query expressions:
where('Field Name','expression','Query Conditions'); whereOr('Field Name','expression','Query Conditions');
New query methods are also supported
whereField('expression','Query Conditions'); whereOrField('expression','Query Conditions');
Use the camel naming method of the field.
Expressions are case-free, and the following types of supported query expressions are:
expression | meaning | Quick query method |
= | equal | |
<> | Not equal to | |
> | Greater than | |
>= | Greater than or equal to | |
< | Less than | |
<= | Less than or equal to | |
[NOT] LIKE | Fuzzy query | whereLike/whereNotLike |
[NOT] BETWEEN | (Not in) interval query | whereBetween/whereNotBetween |
[NOT] IN | (Not in) IN query | whereIn/whereNotIn |
[NOT] NULL | Query if the field is (not) NULL | whereNull/whereNotNull |
[NOT] EXISTS | EXISTS query | whereExists/whereNotExists |
[NOT] REGEXP | Regular (not) match queries (Mysql only) | |
[NOT] BETWEEM TIME | Time interval comparison | whereBetweenTime |
> TIME | Greater than a certain time | whereTime |
< TIME | Less than a certain time | whereTime |
>= TIME | Greater than or equal to a certain time | whereTime |
<= TIME | Less than or equal to a certain time | whereTime |
EXP | Expression query, support SQL syntax | whereExp |
Examples of usage of expression query are as follows:
Equal to (=)
For example:
Equivalent to the following query
The final generated SQL statement is:
SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE `id` = 100
Not equal to (<>)
For example:
The final generated SQL statement is:
SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE `id` <> 100
Greater than (>)
For example:
The final generated SQL statement is:
SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE `id` > 100
Greater than or equal to (>=)
For example:
The final generated SQL statement is:
SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE `id` >= 100
Less than (<)
For example:
The final generated SQL statement is:
SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE `id` < 100
Less than or equal to (<=)
For example:
The final generated SQL statement is:
SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE `id` <= 100
[NOT] LIKE: LIKE of the same sql
For example:
The final generated SQL statement is:
SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE `name` LIKE 'thinkphp%'
Query supports the use of arrays
The actual generated SQL statement is:
SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE (`name` LIKE '%think' OR `name` LIKE 'php%')
For more convenience, it should be used directlywhereLike
Db::name('user')->whereLike('name','thinkphp%')->select(); Db::name('user')->whereNotLike('name','thinkphp%')->select();
[NOT] BETWEEN: [not] between sql
Query conditions support strings or arrays, for example:
Equivalent to the following:
The final generated SQL statements are:
SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE `id` BETWEEN 1 AND 8
The fastest query method is:
Db::name('user')->whereBetween('id','1,8')->select(); Db::name('user')->whereNotBetween('id','1,8')->select();
[NOT] IN: [not] in the same sql
Query conditions support strings or arrays, for example:
Equivalent to the following:
The final SQL statement is:
SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE `id` IN (1,5,8)
The fastest query method is:
Db::name('user')->whereIn('id','1,5,8')->select(); Db::name('user')->whereNotIn('id','1,5,8')->select();
Query support closure usage
Query if the field is (not)Null
,For example:
Db::name('user')->where('name', null) ->where('email','null') ->where('name','not null') ->select();
The actual generated SQL statement is:
SELECT * FROM `think_user` WHERE `name` IS NULL AND `email` IS NULL AND `name` IS NOT NULL
If you need to query a field's value as a stringnull
ornot null
, should use:
Db::name('user')->where('title','=', 'null') ->where('name','=', 'not null') ->select();
The recommended way is to usewhereNull
Method query.
Db::name('user')->whereNull('name') ->whereNull('email') ->whereNotNull('name') ->select();
EXP: Expressions
Supports more complex query situations, such as:
Can be changed to:
Db::name('user')->where('id','exp',' IN (1,3,8) ')->select();
The query conditions are not treated as strings, so the following query conditions can be used in any SQL-supported syntax, including the use of function and field names.
Dynamic query
For the above query expression, it can be simplified using dynamic query methods, for example:
It can be simplified to:
For more information about thinkPHP related content, please check out the topic of this site:ThinkPHP Introduction Tutorial》、《Summary of thinkPHP template operation skills》、《Summary of common methods of ThinkPHP》、《Codeigniter Introductory Tutorial》、《Advanced tutorial on CI (CodeIgniter) framework》、《Zend FrameWork Framework Introduction Tutorial"and"PHP template technical summary》。
I hope that the description in this article will be helpful to everyone's PHP programming based on the ThinkPHP framework.