Updated on 2025-03-10

PHP code to combine two photos on the front and back of the ID card into one picture

The specific code is as follows. The first part is the noodle code, and the second part is a function that is blocked for repeated use. Pay attention to the comments in the previous function. Because I don’t want to make too many parameters for this function, some configuration items are written in the function.

 $dst_path = "";
 $z_path = "./";
 $f_path = "./";
 $wp_path = "";

 $dst = @imagecreatefromjpeg($dst_path);
 $im_z = imagecreatefromjpeg($z_path);//Return image identifier
 $im_f = imagecreatefromjpeg($f_path);//Return image identifier
 $im_wp = imagecreatefrommpng($wp_path);//Return image identifier


 //imagecopyresized ( resource $dst_image , resource $src_image , int $dst_x , int $dst_y , int $src_x , int $src_y , int $dst_w , int $dst_h , int $src_w , int $src_h )
 imagecopyresized($dst,$im_z,10,10,0,0,580,360,$z_width,$z_height);//Return boolean value
 imagecopyresized($dst,$im_f,10,380,0,0,580,360,$f_width,$f_height);//Return boolean value
 imagecopyresized($dst,$im_wp,10,320,0,0,600,165,600,165);//Return Boolean value

 imagejpeg($dst, './'.time().".jpg");

 echo 'ok';

$path_z = "./";
$path_f = "./";
echo makeSfzImage($path_z, $path_f);

  * Generate a picture and combine it with a watermark through the front and background photos of your ID card.
  * You need to prepare a blank picture and a watermark picture, put it in the /webui/member/images/ directory, and create the sfz directory in the Upload directory.
  * @param string $path_z, front
  * @param string $path_f, back
  * @return string, the generated photo path, note that the returned format is: ./Upload/sfz/
function makeSfzImage($path_z, $path_f){
   * The previous configuration information
  $path_blank = realpath('./webui/member/images/'); //Blank picture address, used to base  $path_wp = realpath('./webui/member/images/'); //Watermark picture address  $path_save = './Upload/sfz/'; //Save path
  //Import four pictures  $im_blank = @imagecreatefromjpeg($path_blank);
  $im_z = @imagecreatefromjpeg($path_z);//Return image identifier  $im_f = @imagecreatefromjpeg($path_f);//Return image identifier  $im_wp = @imagecreatefrompng($path_wp);//Return image identifier
  //Get the width and height of the positive and negative pictures  list($z_width,$z_height,$z_type,$z_attr)=getimagesize($path_z);

  //imagecopyresized ( resource $dst_image , resource $src_image , int $dst_x , int $dst_y , int $src_x , int $src_y , int $dst_w , int $dst_h , int $src_w , int $src_h )
  //combination  imagecopyresized($im_blank,$im_z,10,10,0,0,580,360,$z_width,$z_height);//Return Boolean value  imagecopyresized($im_blank,$im_f,10,380,0,0,580,360,$f_width,$f_height);//Return Boolean value  imagecopyresized($im_blank,$im_wp,10,320,0,0,600,165,600,165);//Return Boolean value
  //generate  $path_file = $path_save.time().".jpg";
  imagejpeg($im_blank, $path_file);

  return $path_file;

The first few are the image configuration parameters, you can modify them as needed.