This article describes the php test kafka project. Share it for your reference, as follows:
Kafka was originally developed by Linkedin. It is a distributed, partitioned, multi-copy, multi-subscriber-based distributed logging system (also used as an MQ system) coordinated by zookeeper. It can be commonly used for web/nginx logs, access logs, message services, etc. Linkedin contributed to the Apache Foundation in 2010 and became a top open source project.
The main application scenarios are: log collection system and message system.
Install kafka-php project dependencies
composer require nmred/kafka-php
<?php require './vendor/'; date_default_timezone_set('PRC'); $config = \Kafka\ProducerConfig::getInstance(); $config->setMetadataRefreshIntervalMs(10000); $config->setMetadataBrokerList(''); $config->setBrokerVersion(''); $config->setRequiredAck(1); $config->setIsAsyn(false); $config->setProduceInterval(500); $producer = new \Kafka\Producer(function() { $t = time(); return array( array( 'topic' => 'test', 'value' => $t, 'key' => $t, ), ); }); $producer->success(function($result) { var_export($result); }); $producer->error(function($errorCode) { var_dump('error', $errorCode); }); $producer->send();
<?php require './vendor/'; date_default_timezone_set('PRC'); $config = \Kafka\ConsumerConfig::getInstance(); $config->setMetadataRefreshIntervalMs(10000); $config->setMetadataBrokerList(''); $config->setGroupId('test'); $config->setBrokerVersion(''); $config->setTopics(array('test')); $consumer = new \Kafka\Consumer(); $consumer->start(function($topic, $part, $message) { var_dump($message); });
Test Producer
Test consumers
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