bitmap is an array with a single element boolean (0/1, 0 means not appearing, 1 means already appearing).
If C/C++ does not have a native boolean type, you can use int or char as a bitmap. If we want to determine whether a character (char) has appeared
Use int as the underlying data structure of bitmap, bitmap is an int array, with an int length of 32 bit bits.
- c/32 ⇒ how many ints in bitmap
- c % 32 ⇒ Which bit bit in an int in bitmap;
Use char as the underlying data structure of bitmap, bitmap is a char array, with a char length of 8 bits;
- c/8 ⇒How many chars in bitmap
- c % 8 ⇒ Which bit bit in a char in a bitmap;
- A-Z:65-90
- a-z:97-122
If char is used as an alternative to the underlying data structure of bitmap, what is the length of char in order to achieve string deduplication? 122/8+1 ⇒ 16. If you use int as the underlying implementation of bitmap, you need the length of the int array to be 122/32 + 1 ⇒ 4
1. int as the underlying data structure
void dedup(const char* src, char* dst) { unsigned int exists[4] = { 0 }; int i = 0, j = 0; unsigned int mask; char c; while (src[i]) { c = src[i]; mask = 1 << (c % 32); if ((exists[c / 32] & mask) == 0) { dst[j++] = c; exists[c / 32] |= mask; } i++; } dst[j] = '\0'; }
2. Use char as the underlying data structure
void dedup(const char* src, char* dst) { unsigned char exists[16] = { 0 }; int i = 0, j = 0; unsigned int mask; char c; while (src[i]) { c = src[i]; mask = 1 << (c % 8); if ((exists[c / 8] & mask) == 0) { dst[j++] = c; exists[c / 8] |= mask; } i++; } dst[j] = '\0'; }
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