The amount of el-table tree data is too large, causing page stuttering
ofTree form - When there are too many levels and data, clicks to expand and collapse will stutter.
- Large amount of data, abnormal page stuttering
- TakeLazy loadingAdd data layer by layer.
- You can click to expand and find the corresponding level from the backup full data.
- This way of processing will slowly become stuttered when it is too much.
Note that it is added in the template
lazy :load=“load” :tree-props=“{children: ‘children', hasChildren: ‘hasChildren'}”
// Template<el-table row-key="planId" ref="table" :data="tableData" lazy :load="load" :tree-props="{children: 'children', hasChildren: 'hasChildren'}" @selection-change="selectionChange" > <el-table-column type="selection" align="center" /> <el-table-column label="Check details" prop="inspectDetails" /> </table>
// datadata: () => ({ tableData: [], list: [], ids: []}), //methodmounted() { () } // Get dataasync search() { // This is to clear the lazy loading data to prevent the call method from not updating the page. this.$set(this.$, "lazyTreeNodeMap", {}); this.$set(this.$, "treeData", {}); const { rows } = await API_APPRAISE.APR_EXE_OS_R({ projectId: this.$, }); // I have grouped the data in this section. If I don't need it, I can skip this. For example, the tree-shaped data obtained from the backend can be directly // = rows // = (()).map(item => ({ // ..item, // hasChildren: && > 0, // children: null, // idList: [], // })) let group = (rows, 'testOrgan'); // Back up the data, all data = (item => ({ id: , planId: , children: () })); // Display data = (()).map(item => ({ ...item, // The ids here are the planIds of all children of each node and their own node. I need to pass it to the backend for processing in the future. If you don't need it, you can delete it. ids: (item), // hasChildren means that an arrow icon needs to be displayed hasChildren: && > 0, // Only one layer is displayed children: null, // Remember the hierarchy relationship idList: [], })) }, // Grouping functiongroupBy(array, key) { const groupedData = new Map(); for (const item of array) { const group = item[key]; if (!(group)) { (group, []); } (group).push(item); } return (groupedData, ([id, children]) => ({ id, children })); }, // Lazy loading method, it will be called when clicking drop-download (tree, treeNode, resolve) { // Hierarchical relationship backup const idCopy = (()) // Find the next layer of data let resolveArr = for (const planId of ) { const tarItem = ((item) => === planId); if (!tarItem) break; resolveArr = || []; } // Process the properties of the next layer of data resolveArr = ((resolveArr)) (item => { = (item) = && > 0 = null = [...idCopy, ] }) // Render child nodes resolve(resolveArr) // If you need to check it, you need to remount each child and then call the checked method this.$nextTick(() => { = resolveArr if (()) { (, true) } }) }, /** * getTreeNodes recursive function, used to traverse tree structures * @param {Object} node - node object * @returns {Array} - Returns an array containing the node planId */ getTreeNodes(node) { const result = []; // traverse the current node and get the planId if () { (); } // traverse child nodes if ( && > 0) { for (const child of ) { // Recursively call to get the planId of the child node const childIds = (child); (...childIds); } } return result; }
The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.