Updated on 2025-03-10

Analysis of time-related module application scenarios in python

1. time module

The time module provides time-dependent functions, which are mainly used to measure time intervals, obtain current time, format time, etc.

Main functions

  • Get the current time: () Returns the number of seconds since the epoch (float number)
  • Convert timestamps to structured time: () or () Convert timestamps to structured time of local time or UTC time
  • Convert structured time to timestamp: () Convert structured time to timestamp
  • Format time: () Format structured time into string
  • Time delay: () Pause the execution of the specified number of seconds
import time
# Get the current time stamptimestamp = ()
print("Current timestamp:", timestamp)
# Convert timestamps to structured timelocal_time = (timestamp)
print("Local time:", local_time)
# Convert structured time to stringformatted_time = ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", local_time)
print("Formatted time:", formatted_time)
# Pause for 2 secondsprint("Sleeping for 2 seconds...")

2. datetime module

The datetime module provides classes that handle dates and times, which are more flexible and powerful than the time module

Main functions

  • Date and time categories:,
  • Get the current date and time: () or ()
  • Date and time calculation: used to represent time difference
  • Time zone processing: Used to define time zones
  • Format and parse: () and ()
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Get the current date and timenow = ()
print("Current datetime:", now)
# Format date timeformatted_date = ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print("Formatted datetime:", formatted_date)
# parse date and time stringparsed_date = ("2024-12-25 10:30:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print("Parsed datetime:", parsed_date)
# Date and time operationfuture_date = now + timedelta(days=7)
print("7 days from now:", future_date)
# Time zone processingfrom datetime import timezone
utc_now = ()
print("UTC now:", utc_now)

3. Calendar module

Calendar module provides functions that process dates and calendars, which can generate calendars, check leap years, calculate month and day count, etc.

Main functions

  • Generate calendar: () Generate calendar for the specified month
  • Check leap year: () Determine whether a certain year is a leap year
  • Calculate the number of days of the month: () Returns the day of the week and the number of days of the month in the first day of the specified month
import calendar
# Generate a calendar for December 2024cal = (2024, 12)
print("Calendar for December 2024:\n", cal)
# Check whether 2024 is a leap yearis_leap = (2024)
print("Is 2024 a leap year?", is_leap)
# Calculate the number of days in December 2024month_range = (2024, 12)
print("December 2024 starts on a", calendar.day_name[month_range[0]], "and has", month_range[1], "days.")

4. timeit module

The timeit module is used to measure the execution time of small pieces of code, usually used for performance testing.

Main functions

  • Measure code execution time: () Measure code execution time
  • Multiple executions: You can specify the number of code executions to obtain more accurate measurement results
import timeit
# Measure the execution time of list comprehension and ordinary loopslist_comp_time = ('[i for i in range(1000)]', number=10000)
loop_time = ('l = []; for i in range(1000): (i)', number=10000)
print("List comprehension time:", list_comp_time)
print("Loop time:", loop_time)

5. pytz module

The pytz module is used to handle time zones and daylight saving time, providing a global definition of time zones

Main functions

  • Time zone conversion: convert time to a specific time zone
  • Daylight saving time processing: Automatically handle the conversion of daylight saving time
import pytz
from datetime import datetime
# Get the current time and convert it to New York timeutc_now = ()
ny_tz = ('America/New_York')
ny_now = utc_now.astimezone(ny_tz)
print("UTC now:", utc_now)
print("New York now:", ny_now)
# Get all available time zonesall_timezones = pytz.all_timezones
print("Available timezones:", all_timezones)

6. dateutil module

The dateutil module is an extension of the datetime module, providing more powerful date resolution and operation functions

Main functions

  • Date parsing: () can parse date strings in various formats
  • Relative date: Used to represent relative date difference
from dateutil import parser, relativedelta
# parse date stringparsed_date = ("2024-12-25 10:30:00")
print("Parsed date:", parsed_date)
# Relative date operationfrom datetime import datetime
now = ()
future_date = now + (months=1, days=5)
print("1 month and 5 days from now:", future_date)

Application scenarios

  • System log: Timestamp of system events
  • Timing tasks: Use () or to implement timing tasks
  • Time Format: Format time as user-friendly strings
  • Performance test: Use the timeit module to measure the execution time of the code
  • Time zone conversion: Use pytz or datetime to handle time zone conversion and daylight saving time
  • Date parsing: Use dateutil to parse date strings in various formats


  • Python official documentation - time module
  • Python official documentation - datetime module
  • Python official documentation - calendar module
  • Python official documentation - timeit module
  • pytz documentation
  • dateutil document

This is the end of this article about time-related modules in python. For more related python time module content, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!