Updated on 2025-03-10

Summary of several commonly used DB drivers and DB connection strings

(I) MySQL:

(1) JDBC driver jar package: () -2.0.

(2) Driver classpath: Driver =

(3) Database connection URL:

url = jdbc:mysql://IP(hostName):3306/DatabaseName.

url explanation: keyword jdbc mysql

jdbc means to connect to the database using method

mysql means connecting to mysql database

(II) Oracle:

(1) JDBC driver jar package: (/ip/deploy/database/oracle9i/)

----- Class for JDK 1.6. It contains the JDBC driver class.

-----Class for JDK 1.5. It contains the JDBC driver class.

(2) Driver classpath: Driver =

(3) Database connection URL:

url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@IP(hostName):1521:DatabaseName.

url explanation: keyword jdbc oracle

jdbc means to connect to the database using method

oracle means connecting to oracle database

thin represents the connection mode used (oracle has two connection modes)

(III) SQLServer:

(1) Driver classpath: Driver =

(2) Database connection URL:

url = jdbc: microsoft:sqlserver://IP(hostName):1433/DatabaseName.

url explanation: keyword jdbc microsoft sqlserver

jdbc means to connect to the database using method

Microsoft means Microsoft

sqlserver means connecting to the sqlserver database

(IV) DB2:

(1) Driver classpath: Driver = ..DB2Driver

(2) Database connection URL:

url = jdbc: db2://IP(hostName):6789/DatabaseName.

url explanation: keyword jdbc db2

jdbc means to connect to the database using method

db2 means connecting to the db2 database