Indicates the cache of data in memory.
Tables Gets a collection of tables contained in the DataSet.
A table representing data in memory.
Public properties
Columns Gets a collection of columns belonging to the table.
DataSet Gets the DataSet to which this table belongs.
DefaultView Gets a custom view of a table that may include filtered views or cursor locations.
PrimaryKey Gets or sets an array of columns that act as the primary key of the data table.
Rows Gets a collection of rows belonging to the table.
TableName Gets or sets the name of the DataTable.
Represents a row of data in the DataTable
Represents the schema of the column in the DataTable.
Common operation examples of DataTable and DataSet
//Create DataSet
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
//Create DataTable
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
["id"].AutoIncrement = true;
//Insert row
DataRow dw1 = ();
dw1["name"] = "test1";
DataRow dw2 = ();
dw2["name"] = "test2";
//Add DataTable to DataSet
//Query in DataTable
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataRow dr[] = ("1 = 1");
//DataTable update
DataTable dt = (DataTable)["MYCACHE"];
DataRow[] dr = ("1 = 1");
if ( > 0)
dr[0]["colName"] = "colValue";
object o = ("SUM(col_name)", "1=1");