After adding a folder shortcut to the SendTo folder, the right-click sending to this folder is a copy of these files. It is actually a copying process. Sometimes we only hope it is a shortcut, so we have to find another way.
Save the following code content as, and then create a shortcut to the sendto directory (C:\Documents and Settings\username\SendTo), and change the name you want, such as "Create a shortcut to my working directory", you can create a shortcut, and it supports multiple files. You only need to change the strFolder in line 4 of the script to the value you need:
Set unNamedArguments =
set WshShell = ("")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("")
strFolder = "d:\temp\"The symbol "\" must be followed by
for count = 0 to -1 Step 1
filename = (count)
Set objFile = (filename)
set oShellLink = (strFolder & (filename) & ".lnk")
= filename
= 1
= (filename)
Save the following code content as, and then create a shortcut to the sendto directory (C:\Documents and Settings\username\SendTo), and change the name you want, such as "Create a shortcut to my working directory", you can create a shortcut, and it supports multiple files. You only need to change the strFolder in line 4 of the script to the value you need:
Set unNamedArguments =
set WshShell = ("")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("")
strFolder = "d:\temp\"The symbol "\" must be followed by
for count = 0 to -1 Step 1
filename = (count)
Set objFile = (filename)
set oShellLink = (strFolder & (filename) & ".lnk")
= filename
= 1
= (filename)