Updated on 2025-03-10

Specific instances of ArrayList displayed in Action to JSP page

1. The ArrayList object obtained in UserAction is filled into UserForm, and the jsp page obtains the initial value of UserForm.
Part of the code of UserAction:

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

private ActionForward executeManageAction(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
  UserForm userForm = (UserForm)form;
  ArrayList userlist = new ArrayList();
  SessionFactory sf= new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
  Session session=();
  Transaction tx=();
  String sqlQuery="from User";
  Query lQuery=(sqlQuery);
  return ("main_user");

Part of the code of UsrForm:
Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

private ArrayList userlist;
 public ArrayList getUserlist(){
  return userlist;
 public void setUserlist(ArrayList userlist){

JSP page code:
Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

    <table style="border-right: darkgreen 1px solid;border-top:darkgreen 1px solid;border-left: darkgreen 1px solid;width:100%;
    border-bottom;darkgreen 1px solid;border-collapse:collapse" borderColor="darkgreen" cellSpacing="0" border="1">
    <logic:notEmpty name="userForm" property="userlist">
    <tr nowrap="nowrap">
<td style="width:80px;height:16px" nowrap><b>Username</b></td>
<td style="width:80px;height:16px" nowrap><b>role</b></td>
<td style="width:84px;height:16px" ><b>Name</b></td>
<td style="width:88px;height:16px" ><b>Tel</b></td>
<td style="width:73px;height:16px" ><b>Email</b></td>
<td style="width:273px;height:16px" ><b>action</b></td>
    <logic:iterate indexId="index" name="userForm" property="userlist">
      <td noWrap style="width:80px" ><bean:write name="user" property="username"/></td>
      <td noWrap style="width:80px" ><bean:write name="user" property="role"/></td>
      <td noWrap style="width:80px" ><bean:write name="user" property="name"/></td>
      <td noWrap style="width:80px" ><bean:write name="user" property="tel"/></td>
      <td noWrap style="width:80px" ><bean:write name="user" property="email"/></td>
      <td nowrap sryle="width:273px" >
<a href="javascript:submitSid(,'<bean:write name="user" property="username"/>')">View</a>
      <font >||</font>
<a href="javascript:submitSid(,'<bean:write name="user" property="username"/>')">Update</a>
      <font >||</font>
<a href="javascript:if (confirm('Do you delete this user?')){ submitSid(,'<bean:write name="user" property="username"/>')}">Delete</a>

2. After obtaining the data ArrayList object in UserAction, store the ArrayList object in the request, and the JSP page obtains the ArrayList object.
UserAction part code:
Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

 private ActionForward executeManageAction(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
  UserForm userForm = (UserForm)form;
  ArrayList userlist = new ArrayList();
  SessionFactory sf= new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
  Session session=();
  Transaction tx=();
  String sqlQuery="from User";
  Query lQuery=(sqlQuery);
  ("userlist", userlist);
  return ("main_user");

Part of JSP code:
Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

<table   borderColor="darkgreen" cellSpacing="0" border="1">
    <tr >
<td  ><b>Username</b></td>
<td  ><b>Role</b></td>
<td  ><b>Name</b></td>
<td  ><b>Tel</b></td>
<td ><b>Email</b></td>
<td ><b>Action</b></td>
     <logic:present name="userlist">
    <logic:iterate indexId="index" name="userlist" >
      <td   ><bean:write name="user" property="username"/></td>
      <td   ><bean:write name="user" property="role"/></td>
      <td  ><bean:write name="user" property="name"/></td>
      <td   ><bean:write name="user" property="tel"/></td>
      <td ><bean:write name="user" property="email"/></td>
      <td  >
<a href="javascript:submitSid(,'<bean:write name="user" property="username"/>')">View</a>
      <font >||</font>
<a href="javascript:submitSid(,'<bean:write name="user" property="username"/>')">Update</a>
      <font >||</font>
<a href="javascript:if (confirm('Do you delete this user?')){ submitSid(,'<bean:write name="user" property="username"/>')}">Delete</a>