<el-tag v-if='isSave' size="small" style="cursor:pointer;margin-left:20px;" @click="open()">Click to select</el-tag> <el-dialog class="dialog companygoodsLog" v-model="visible" :close-on-click-modal="false" :draggable="true" :show-close="false" title="Location Selection" destroy-on-close style="border-radius: 4px;background-color: #ffffff" top="100px" width="80%"> <div style="height:40px;width:100%;display: flex;align-items: center;"> <el-select v-model="areaValue" filterable style='width:350px' remote reserve-keyword placeholder="Please enter keywords" :remote-method="remoteMethod" :loading="loading" @change="currentSelect" > <el-option v-for="item in areaList" :key="" :label="" :value="item" class="one-text" > <span style="float: left">{{ }}</span> <span style="float: right; color: #8492a6; font-size: 13px">{{}}{{}}</span> </el-option> </el-select> </div> <div style="height:500px;width:100%;margin-top:10px;"></div> <template #footer> <span class="dialog-footer"> <el-button @click="visible = false"><span style="color: #5E5E5E">Close</span></el-button> <el-button color="#68964C" @click="confirmData"> Sure </el-button> </span> </template> </el-dialog>
<script setup lang="ts"> import { reactive,ref,onMounted, onUnmounted,watch } from 'vue' import AMapLoader from "@amap/amap-jsapi-loader"; const dialogMap = ref(false) const mapContainer = ref(null); const visible:any = ref(false) const areaList:any =ref([]) const areaValue = ref('') let map:any = null const loading:any = ref(false) const checkedForm:any = ref() let AutoComplete:any = null let aMap:any = null let geoCoder:any = null const initMap = () => { ({ key: "Gaode key", version: "2.0", plugins: ["", ""], }).then((AMap:any) => { aMap = AMap map = new ("container", { // Set the map container id viewMode: "3D", // Is it in 3D map mode? zoom: 11, // Initialize map level center: [116.397428, 39.90923], // Initialize the center point of the map }); AutoComplete = new ({ city:'National', }); geoCoder = new ({ city: "010", //City is set to Beijing, default: "National" radius: 1000, //Scope, default: 500 }); ('click',(e:any)=>{ addmark((),(),AMap) }) }) .catch((e) => { (e); }); } let marker:any = null const addmark = (lat:any,lng:any,AMap:any) => { marker && removeMarker() marker = new ({ position: new (lat, lng), title: 'Beijing', zoom: 13 }); = { lat:lng, lng:lat, } (marker); ([lat, lng],'',500); } const removeMarker = () => { (marker) } const remoteMethod = (searchValue:any) => { if (searchValue !== "") { setTimeout(() => { (searchValue, (status:any, result:any) => { (result,status) if(?.length){ = result?.tips } }); }, 200); } else { } } const currentSelect = (val:any) => { = { lat:?.lat, lng:?.lng, } (val) = addmark(?.lng,?.lat,aMap) ([?.lng,?.lat],'',500); } const confirmData = () => { if(!?.lat || !?.lng){ return ('Please select the address') }else{ () = false = '' map?.destroy(); = = } } const open = () => { initMap() = true } defineExpose({ open }) onUnmounted(() => { map?.destroy(); }); </script>
Display map icon points according to latitude and longitude
<el-button v-if="" type="primary" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"@click="showMapDialog()">Click to view location</el-button> <el-dialog v-model="dialogMap" title="Location Information" width="900px"> <div ref="mapContainer" style="height:500px;width:100%;margin-top:10px;"></div> </el-dialog> <script setup> import { reactive, ref, onMounted, toRefs, watch } from 'vue' import AMapLoader from "@amap/amap-jsapi-loader"; const dialogVisible = ref(false) const dialogMap = ref(false) const mapContainer = ref(null); const props = defineProps({ isShow15: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, list:{ default:{} } }); const emits = defineEmits(['close15']) const closeDialog = () => { emits('close15', false) } const mapList = ref([]) watch(() => props.isShow15, (val) => { // (val) = val }, { immediate: true }) watch(() => , (val) => { = val }, { immediate: true }) const showMapDialog = async () => { = true; initMap(); }; let map = null let aMap = null let AutoComplete = null let geoCoder = null let marker = null; const initMap = () => { ({ key: "Gaod Map Key", version: "2.0", plugins: ["", ""], }).then((AMap) => { aMap = AMap map = new ("container", { // Set the map container id viewMode: "2D", // Is it in 3D map mode? zoom: 21, // Initialize map level center: [parseFloat(), parseFloat()], // Initialize the center point of the map }); AutoComplete = new ({ city:'National', }); geoCoder = new ({ city: "010", //City is set to Beijing, default: "National" radius: 1000, //Scope, default: 500 }); geoCoder = new ({ city: "National", //City is set to Beijing, default: "National" radius: 1000, //Scope, default: 500 }) marker = new ({ position: [parseFloat(), parseFloat()], map: map, }); }) .catch((e) => { (e); }); } </script>
This is the article about vue3 Gaode Map keyword search to obtain latitude and longitude. For more related vue3 Gaode Map content, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!