vue uses file streams for download (new blob)
Packaging method
function getExel(url, params, index) {+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { let data = { method: "GET", url:url, headers: { 'token': gettoken("token") }, responseType: 'arraybuffer' } resolve(axios(data)); }) }
Note: responseType should be set to: 'arraybuffer'
Send a request ($Api is already mounted on the vue object, so it can be used like this)
this.$("/goodsCheckService/v1/planMaterial/export?idList="+idArray) .then(response => { let a = ('a'); //ArrayBuffer to Blob let blob = new Blob([], {type: "application/-excel"}); let objectUrl = (blob); ("href",objectUrl); ("download", 'Planning Spreadsheet.xls'); (); });
Vue download file stream complete front and backend code
When using Vue, how does our front-end handle the file stream returned by the back-end
First, the backend returns to the stream. Here I took out the flow action. I need to use it in many places.
/** * Download single file * * @param docId */ @GetMapping("/download/{docId}") public void download(@PathVariable("docId") String docId, HttpServletResponse response) { outWrite(response, docId); } /** * Output file stream * @param response * @param docId */ private void outWrite(HttpServletResponse response, String docId) { ServletOutputStream out = null; try { out = (); // Image cache is prohibited. ("Pragma", "no-cache"); ("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); ("Expires", 0); byte[] bytes = (docId); if (bytes != null) { MagicMatch match = (bytes); String mimeType = (); (mimeType); ("Content-Length", ()); (bytes); } (); } catch (Exception e) { (e); } finally { (out); } }
I have introduced a component in front-end js-file-download
npm install js-file-download --save
Then add it in the Vue file
import fileDownload from "js-file-download"; // The corresponding events of the document operation column async handleCommand(item, data) { switch () { case "download": var res = await (data); return fileDownload(res, ); ... default: } // Refresh the list of current levels const folder = (); (, ); }, // download async download(row) { if (()) { return (); } else { return (); } },
docAPI js Note that responseType needs to be set
/** * Download a single file * @param {*} id */ const download = (id) => { return request({ url: + id, method: "GET", responseType: 'blob' }); };
This will be successfully downloaded
The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.