Updated on 2025-03-10

vue elementUI array multi-layer nesting of form verification functions

In usevue element-ui formWhen rendering a form, you will encounter such a data structure:

"list": [
        "id": "quis consequat culpa ut pariatur",
        "name": "et quis irure dolore ullamco",
        "ompany": "sunt mollit",
        "address": "anim reprehenderit aliquip labore velit"
        "id": "",
        "name": "laborum magna",
        "company": "mollit esse ipsum quis",
        "address": "cillum dolore ex ut"

When encountering a certain field value such as list is an array, and the following multiple field values ​​need to be checked using rules, directly bind prop="corresponding field value" to the fields below list, which cannot be checked successfully. There are two solutions:

1. Set another one where it is an array<el-form :model="current child object" v-for="traverse list array"></el-form>

Just bind the prop name to the original name for the fields under the list array;

The sample code is as follows:

<el-form :model="item" v-for="(item,index) in  :key="index">
  <el-form-item label="name" prop="name" :rules="{ required: true, message: 'Required', trigger: 'blur' }">
   <el-input placeholder="name" v-model=""></el-input>

2. Directly bind the field name of the object under the list array to the name under the array

The sample code is as follows:

<div v-for="(item,index) in  :key="index">
  <el-form-item label="name" :prop="`list[${index}].name`" :rules="{ required: true, message: 'Required', trigger: 'blur' }">
    <el-input placeholder="name" v-model=""></el-input>

Here list is the array in the above object, and datafields is the outermost object.


The above is the multi-layer nesting of arrays of vue elementUI form verification functions introduced to you by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message and the editor will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support for my website!
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