Replace strings with %s
name <- 'max' sprintf('my name is %s',name) [1] "my name is max"
Replace integers with %d
age <- 18 sprintf('age:%d',age) [1] "age:18"
Adding the number n before d can add n-a space instead of the number digit number digit number space
sprintf('age:%3d',age) [1] "age: 18"
Add 0 before d and the number n can be added, and n can be added instead of 0 of the number digit number
sprintf('age:%07d',age) [1] "age:0000018"
Replace floating point numbers with %f, % m controls the output character width, n controls the decimal point
#Retain 5 decimal placessprintf('%.5f',pi) [1] "3.14159"
Post %% represents percentage
sprintf("percent:99 %%") [1] "percent:99 %"
This is the article about the explanation of R formatting and output sprintf examples. For more related R formatting and output sprintf content, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!