Calendar constant
The following can be used anywhere in the codeconstantInstead of actual values:
constant | value | describe |
vbCalGreg | 0 | It is pointed out that the use of the solar calendar. |
vbCalHijri | 1 | It is pointed out that the Islamic calendar is used. |
Color Constant
The following can be used anywhere in the codeconstantInstead of actual values:
constant | value | describe |
vbBlack | 0x0 | black |
vbRed | 0xFF | red |
vbGreen | 0xFF00 | green |
vbYellow | 0xFFFF | yellow |
vbBlue | 0xFF0000 | blue |
vbMagenta | 0xFF00FF | Purple red |
vbCyan | 0xFFFF00 | blue |
vbWhite | 0xFFFFFF | White |
CallType constant
The following can be used anywhere in the codeconstantInstead of actual values:
constant | value | describe |
vbMethod | 1 | Specifies that a method has been called. |
vbGet | 2 | Point oneProperty Getprocess. |
vbLet | 4 | Point oneProperty Let process. |
vbSet | 8 | Point oneProperty Setprocess. |
Comparison constant
constant | value | describe |
VbUseCompareOption | -1 | Use the settings of the Option Compare statement for comparison. |
VbBinaryCompare | 0 | Make binary comparisons. |
VbTextCompare | 1 | Make a text comparison. |
vbDatabaseCompare | 2 | For Microsoft Access (Windows only), perform comparisons based on the information contained in the database. |
Compiler constant
Visual Basic for Applications defines some things that cannot be used with #If...Then...#Else Used together with instructionsconstant. These constants are in addition to theirscopeis global; that is, except forprojectApply everywhere in function with #If...Then...#Else The constants defined by the instruction are the same.
On a 16-bit development platform, the compilation constant is defined as follows:
constant | value | describe |
Win16 | True | It points out that the development environment is 16 bits. |
Win32 | False | Point out that the development environment is not 32 bit. |
On a 32-bit development platform, the compilation constant is defined as follows:
constant | value | describe |
Vba6 | True | It points out that the development environment is Visual Basic for Applications, version 6.0. |
Vba6 | False | It points out that the development environment is not Visual Basic for Applications, version 6.0. |
Win16 | False | Point out that the development environment is not 16 bit. |
Win32 | True | It points out that the development environment is 32 bit. |
Mac | False | Point out that the development environment is not Macintosh. |
Win16 | False | It points out that the development environment is not 16-bit. |
Win32 | False | It points out that the development environment is not 32-bit. |
Mac | True | It points out that the development environment is Macintosh. |
NoticeThese constants are provided by Visual Basic, so you cannot define your own constants with the same name in any level.
Date constant
The following can be used anywhere in the codeconstantInstead of actual values:
Parameter value
firstdayofweek parameterHave the following values:
constant | value | describe |
vbUseSystem | 0 | Use the NLS API settings. |
vbSunday | 1 | Sunday (default) |
vbMonday | 2 | Monday |
vbTuesday | 3 | Tuesday |
vbWednesday | 4 | Wednesday |
vbThursday | 5 | Thursday |
vbFriday | 6 | Friday |
vbSaturday | 7 | Saturday |
firstdayofyear The parameters have the following values:
constant | value | describe |
vbUseSystem | 0 | Use the NLS API settings. |
VbUseSystemDayOfWeek | 0 | Use the number of weeks specified for the first day of the week in the system settings. |
VbFirstJan1 | 1 | Starting from the week on January 1st (default). |
vbFirstFourDays | 2 | Starting from the first week of the new year with at least 4 days. |
vbFirstFullWeek | 3 | Starting from the first full week of the year. |
Return value
constant | value | describe |
vbSunday | 1 | Sunday |
vbMonday | 2 | Monday |
vbTuesday | 3 | Tuesday |
vbWednesday | 4 | Wednesday |
vbThursday | 5 | Thursday |
vbFriday | 6 | Friday |
vbSaturday | 7 | Saturday |
Date format constant
Only if your project's corresponding pairs containing these constant definitionsType libraryThese constants can only be used when there is an explicit reference.
constant | value | describe |
vbGeneralDate | 0 | Shows date and/or time. For a real number, the date and time are displayed. If there is no decimal part, only the date is displayed. If there is no integer part, only the time is displayed. The display of date and time is determined by the system setting values. |
vbLongDate | 1 | Displays dates in the long date format specified by the computer locale value. |
vbShortDate | 2 | Displays dates in the short date format specified by the computer locale value. |
vbLongTime | 3 | Display time with the long-term format specified by the computer area setting value. |
vbShortTime | 4 | Display time with the short-time format specified by the computer area setting value. |
Dir, GetAttr, and SetAttr constants
The following can be used anywhere in the codeconstantInstead of actual values:
constant | value | describe | |
vbNormal | 0 | Normal (Dir andSetAttrDefault value) | |
vbReadOnly | 1 | Read-only | |
vbHidden | 2 | Hidden | |
vbSystem | 4 | System files | |
vbVolume | 8 | Coil label | |
vbDirectory | 16 | Directory or folder | |
vbArchive | 32 | The file has changed since the last backup | |
vbAlias | 64 | On Macintosh, the identifier is an alias. |
On Macintosh, onlyVbNormal、 vbReadOnly、 vbHiddenandvbAliasis available.