Updated on 2025-03-10

Various ways PowerShell hides windows without showing

Hide your window when starting PowerShell

If I execute a script file regularly in the scheduled task, I want to hide this window, and at this time we can consider the option parameters to use:

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

Set the window style to Normal, Minimized, Maximized, or Hidden.

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

-WindowStyle Hidden -file 'Your script.ps1'

Hide window when PowerShell starts other processes

This requirement can also be understood:

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden

The script above will start a hidden notepad program.

Use PowerShell to hide windows of other processes

This is a weird need, but users also have their own reasons:

@scl95tx says:

I have implemented a 24-hour uninterrupted Powershell script. A lot of data is output to the console through the write-host command (you need to view these data at any time to ensure that the server is running normally, so I don't consider it when running in the background). If (due to an operation error), the script will stop executing. Is there a way to hide the console? If I want to check the operation of the script, then call the console out: that is, is there a way to hide and call out the console at any time?

This requirement is reasonable, let's solve this problem next:

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

Add-Type @'
public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
'@ -name “Win32ShowWindowAsync” -namespace Win32API
Function Set-ProcessWindowStyle
    [ValidateSet("Show", "Minimized","Maximized","Hidden")]
        $WinStateInt = 1
        "Hidden"       {$WinStateInt =  0}
        "Show"     {$WinStateInt =  1}
        "Maximize"   {$WinStateInt =  3}
        "Minimize"   {$WinStateInt =  6}

After writing the above script, I tested it with joy and hid the window successfully:

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

Get-Process notepad | Set-ProcessWindowStyle -WindowStyle Hidden

But when I try to call up the hidden window, execution returns false.
Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

PS> Get-Process notepad | Set-ProcessWindowStyle -WindowStyle Show

I deeply regret this. When the window is hidden, the process's handle value MainWindowHandle becomes 0. What does 0 mean?

MSDN says: If the associated process does not have a main window, the MainWindowHandle value is zero.
Conclusion: Don't hide the window of the process, otherwise you will lose the opportunity to operate the window forever.