Updated on 2025-03-10

DOS command Interlnk and Intersvr command usage instructions

[Usage] DOS has added network support functions,
It can enable two computers to connect through parallel or serial port lines to form a simple network.
Using interlnk A sentence must be added to it:
Both ends of the parallel wire should be 25-pin male connectors. The connection between the needles is as follows: Corresponding

[Example] C:\DOS\>interlnk Port-LPT1
this Computer  Other Computer 
 (Client) (Server) 
  E: equals A: 
  F: equals C: 
In the client, the E disk is the A disk of the service machine, and the F disk is the C disk of the service machine.
intersvr   Start the Simple Network Server
[Applicable occasions] Use it and the computer becomes a server (only with the simple network provided by DOS)
[Usage] intersvr starts the service machine
intersvr /lpt:1 Start the server and use lpt1 port as the data transmission port.
intersvr /com:1 Start the server and use com1 port as the data transmission port
The parameters are also x baud: b v rcopy  (see interlnk)
[Example] C:\DOS>intersvrURl