package ;
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import ;
* vogoalAPI 1.0
* Auther SinNeR@
* by
* mail: vogoals@
* JSP upload file class
* @author SinNeR
* @version 1.0
public class JspFileUpload {
/** request object */
private HttpServletRequest request = null;
/** The path to upload the file */
private String uploadPath = null;
/** The size of bytes is obtained per read */
private static int BUFSIZE = 1024 * 8;
/** Hashtable that stores parameters */
private Hashtable paramHt = new Hasptable();
/** ArrayList that stores the file name of the uploaded file */
private ArrayList updFileArr = new ArrayList();
* Set the request object.
* @param request
* HttpServletRequest request object
public void setRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
= request;
* Set the file upload path.
* @param path
* Upload path of the file specified by the user.
public void setUploadPath(String path) {
= path;
* File upload processing main program. ������B
* @return int Operation result 0 File operation was successful; 1 request object does not exist. 2 The file saving path is not set or the file saving path is incorrect; 3
* The correct enctype is not set; 4 File operation is abnormal.
public int process() {
int status = 0;
// Before uploading the file, check the request object, upload path and enctype.
status = preCheck();
// Return the error code when an error occurs.
if (status != 0)
return status;
try {
// ��� parameter or file name�u�
String name = null;
// Value of parameter
String value = null;
// Whether the read stream is the file's flag bit
boolean fileFlag = false;
// File to be stored.
File tmpFile = null;
// The name of the uploaded file
String fName = null;
FileOutputStream baos = null;
BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
// Hashtable for storing parameters
paramHt = new Hashtable();
updFileArr = new ArrayList();
int rtnPos = 0;
byte[] buffs = new byte[BUFSIZE * 8];
// � Obtain ContentType
String contentType = ();
int index = ("boundary=");
String boundary = "--" + (index + 9);
String endBoundary = boundary + "--";
// � Get the stream from the request object.
ServletInputStream sis = ();
// Read 1 line
while ((rtnPos = (buffs, 0, )) != -1) {
String strBuff = new String(buffs, 0, rtnPos);
// Read 1 line of data
if ((boundary)) {
if (name != null && ().length() > 0) {
if (fileFlag) {
baos = null;
bos = null;
} else {
Object obj = (name);
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
if (obj != null) {
al = (ArrayList) obj;
(name, al);
name = new String();
value = new String();
fileFlag = false;
fName = new String();
rtnPos = (buffs, 0, );
if (rtnPos != -1) {
strBuff = new String(buffs, 0, rtnPos);
if (().startsWith(
"content-disposition: form-data; ")) {
int nIndex = ().indexOf(
int nLastIndex = ().indexOf(
"\"", nIndex + 6);
name = (nIndex + 6, nLastIndex);
int fIndex = ().indexOf(
if (fIndex != -1) {
fileFlag = true;
int fLastIndex = ().indexOf(
"\"", fIndex + 10);
fName = (fIndex + 10, fLastIndex);
fName = getFileName(fName);
if (fName == null || ().length() == 0) {
fileFlag = false;
(buffs, 0, );
(buffs, 0, );
(buffs, 0, );
fName = getFileNameByTime(fName);
(buffs, 0, );
(buffs, 0, );
} else if ((endBoundary)) {
if (name != null && ().length() > 0) {
if (fileFlag) {
baos = null;
bos = null;
} else {
Object obj = (name);
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
if (obj != null) {
al = (ArrayList) obj;
(name, al);
} else {
if (fileFlag) {
if (baos == null && bos == null) {
tmpFile = new File(uploadPath + fName);
baos = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile);
bos = new BufferedOutputStream(baos);
(buffs, 0, rtnPos);
} else {
("test :" + value + "--" + strBuff);
value = value + strBuff;
} catch (IOException e) {
status = 4;
return status;
private int preCheck() {
int errCode = 0;
if ( request == null )
return 1;
if ( uploadPath == null || ().length() == 0 )
return 2;
File tmpF = new File(uploadPath);
if (!())
return 2;
String contentType = ();
if ( ("multipart/form-data") == -1 )
return 3;
return errCode;
public String getParameter(String name){
String value = "";
if ( name == null || ().length() == 0 )
return value;
value = ((name) == null)?"":(String)((ArrayList)(name)).get(0);
return value;
public String[] getParameters(String name){
if ( name == null || ().length() == 0 )
return null;
if ( (name) == null )
return null;
ArrayList al = (ArrayList)(name);
String[] strArr = new String[()];
for ( int i=0;i<();i++ )
strArr[i] = (String)(i);
return strArr;
public int getUpdFileSize(){
return ();
public String[] getUpdFileNames(){
String[] strArr = new String[()];
for ( int i=0;i<();i++ )
strArr[i] = (String)(i);
return strArr;
private String getFileName(String input){
int fIndex = ("\\");
if (fIndex == -1) {
fIndex = ("/");
if (fIndex == -1) {
return input;
input = (fIndex + 1);
return input;
private String getFileNameByTime(String input){
int index = (".");
Date dt = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS");
return (0,index) + (dt) + (index);
import ;
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import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
* vogoalAPI 1.0
* Auther SinNeR@
* by
* mail: vogoals@
* JSP upload file class
* @author SinNeR
* @version 1.0
public class JspFileUpload {
/** request object */
private HttpServletRequest request = null;
/** The path to upload the file */
private String uploadPath = null;
/** The size of bytes is obtained per read */
private static int BUFSIZE = 1024 * 8;
/** Hashtable that stores parameters */
private Hashtable paramHt = new Hasptable();
/** ArrayList that stores the file name of the uploaded file */
private ArrayList updFileArr = new ArrayList();
* Set the request object.
* @param request
* HttpServletRequest request object
public void setRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
= request;
* Set the file upload path.
* @param path
* Upload path of the file specified by the user.
public void setUploadPath(String path) {
= path;
* File upload processing main program. ������B
* @return int Operation result 0 File operation was successful; 1 request object does not exist. 2 The file saving path is not set or the file saving path is incorrect; 3
* The correct enctype is not set; 4 File operation is abnormal.
public int process() {
int status = 0;
// Before uploading the file, check the request object, upload path and enctype.
status = preCheck();
// Return the error code when an error occurs.
if (status != 0)
return status;
try {
// ��� parameter or file name�u�
String name = null;
// Value of parameter
String value = null;
// Whether the read stream is the file's flag bit
boolean fileFlag = false;
// File to be stored.
File tmpFile = null;
// The name of the uploaded file
String fName = null;
FileOutputStream baos = null;
BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
// Hashtable for storing parameters
paramHt = new Hashtable();
updFileArr = new ArrayList();
int rtnPos = 0;
byte[] buffs = new byte[BUFSIZE * 8];
// � Obtain ContentType
String contentType = ();
int index = ("boundary=");
String boundary = "--" + (index + 9);
String endBoundary = boundary + "--";
// � Get the stream from the request object.
ServletInputStream sis = ();
// Read 1 line
while ((rtnPos = (buffs, 0, )) != -1) {
String strBuff = new String(buffs, 0, rtnPos);
// Read 1 line of data
if ((boundary)) {
if (name != null && ().length() > 0) {
if (fileFlag) {
baos = null;
bos = null;
} else {
Object obj = (name);
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
if (obj != null) {
al = (ArrayList) obj;
(name, al);
name = new String();
value = new String();
fileFlag = false;
fName = new String();
rtnPos = (buffs, 0, );
if (rtnPos != -1) {
strBuff = new String(buffs, 0, rtnPos);
if (().startsWith(
"content-disposition: form-data; ")) {
int nIndex = ().indexOf(
int nLastIndex = ().indexOf(
"\"", nIndex + 6);
name = (nIndex + 6, nLastIndex);
int fIndex = ().indexOf(
if (fIndex != -1) {
fileFlag = true;
int fLastIndex = ().indexOf(
"\"", fIndex + 10);
fName = (fIndex + 10, fLastIndex);
fName = getFileName(fName);
if (fName == null || ().length() == 0) {
fileFlag = false;
(buffs, 0, );
(buffs, 0, );
(buffs, 0, );
fName = getFileNameByTime(fName);
(buffs, 0, );
(buffs, 0, );
} else if ((endBoundary)) {
if (name != null && ().length() > 0) {
if (fileFlag) {
baos = null;
bos = null;
} else {
Object obj = (name);
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
if (obj != null) {
al = (ArrayList) obj;
(name, al);
} else {
if (fileFlag) {
if (baos == null && bos == null) {
tmpFile = new File(uploadPath + fName);
baos = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile);
bos = new BufferedOutputStream(baos);
(buffs, 0, rtnPos);
} else {
("test :" + value + "--" + strBuff);
value = value + strBuff;
} catch (IOException e) {
status = 4;
return status;
private int preCheck() {
int errCode = 0;
if ( request == null )
return 1;
if ( uploadPath == null || ().length() == 0 )
return 2;
File tmpF = new File(uploadPath);
if (!())
return 2;
String contentType = ();
if ( ("multipart/form-data") == -1 )
return 3;
return errCode;
public String getParameter(String name){
String value = "";
if ( name == null || ().length() == 0 )
return value;
value = ((name) == null)?"":(String)((ArrayList)(name)).get(0);
return value;
public String[] getParameters(String name){
if ( name == null || ().length() == 0 )
return null;
if ( (name) == null )
return null;
ArrayList al = (ArrayList)(name);
String[] strArr = new String[()];
for ( int i=0;i<();i++ )
strArr[i] = (String)(i);
return strArr;
public int getUpdFileSize(){
return ();
public String[] getUpdFileNames(){
String[] strArr = new String[()];
for ( int i=0;i<();i++ )
strArr[i] = (String)(i);
return strArr;
private String getFileName(String input){
int fIndex = ("\\");
if (fIndex == -1) {
fIndex = ("/");
if (fIndex == -1) {
return input;
input = (fIndex + 1);
return input;
private String getFileNameByTime(String input){
int index = (".");
Date dt = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS");
return (0,index) + (dt) + (index);