About the class that generates directory tree structure
This program has two files and some icon files
1. The code for calling the class spanning tree is as follows
<%@ Language=VBScript %> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <title>tree</title> </head> <!-- #include file="" --> <% '======================================== ' BUILDING A TREE PROGRAMATICALLY '======================================== ' This approach would be best suited for building ' dynamic trees using For..Next loops and such. Set MyTree2 = New Tree = 10 = 10 = "" = "" = "" ' Notice the indentation used to reprensent the hierarchy Set Node1 = ("script") Set SubNode1 = ("server") Set secSubNode1 = ("html") "<A HREF="""">asp</A>" "<A HREF="""">php</A>" "<A HREF="""">jsp</A>" Set SubNode2 = ("os") "<A HREF=""#"">winnt</A>" "<A HREF=""#"">win2000</A>" Set Node2 = ("Desktop") "<A HREF=""#"">Area Code Lookup</A>" "<A HREF=""#"">Arin Based Whois Search</A>" "<A HREF=""#"">World Time Zone Map</A>" () Set MyTree2 = Nothing %> </BODY> </HTML>
2. The definition of the class code is as follows
<% '****************************************************** ' Author: Jacob Gilley ' Email: avis7@ ' My Terms: You can use this control in anyway you see fit ' cause I have no means to enforce any guidelines ' or BS that most developers think they can get ' you to agree to by spouting out words like ' "intellectual property" and "The Code Gods". ' - Viva la Microsoft! '****************************************************** Dim gblTreeNodeCount:gblTreeNodeCount = 1 Class TreeNode Public Value Public ExpandImage Public CollapseImage Public LeafImage Public Expanded Private mszName Private mcolChildren Private mbChildrenInitialized Public Property Get ChildCount() ChildCount = End Property Private Sub Class_Initialize() mszName = "node" & CStr(gblTreeNodeCount) gblTreeNodeCount = gblTreeNodeCount + 1 mbChildrenInitialized = False Expanded = False End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() If mbChildrenInitialized And IsObject(mcolChildren) Then () Set mcolChildren = Nothing End If End Sub Private Sub InitChildList() Set mcolChildren = ("") mbChildrenInitialized = True End Sub Private Sub LoadState() If Request(mszName) = "1" Or Request("togglenode") = mszName Then Expanded = True End If End Sub Public Function CreateChild(szValue) If Not mbChildrenInitialized Then InitChildList() Set CreateChild = New TreeNode = szValue = ExpandImage = CollapseImage = LeafImage + 1, CreateChild End Function Public Sub Draw() LoadState() "<table border=""0"">" & vbCrLf "<tr><td>" & vbCrLf If Expanded Then "<a href=""javascript:collapseNode('" & mszName & "')""><img src=""" & CollapseImage & """ border=""0""></a>" & vbCrLf ElseIf Not mbChildrenInitialized Then "<img src=""" & LeafImage & """ border=0>" & vbCrLf Else "<a href=""javascript:expandNode('" & mszName & "')""><img src=""" & ExpandImage & """ border=""0""></a>" & vbCrLf End If "</td>" & vbCrLf "<td>" & Value & "</td></tr>" & vbCrLf If Expanded Then "<input type=""hidden"" name=""" & mszName & """ value=""1"">" & vbCrLf If mbChildrenInitialized Then "<tr><td> </td>" & vbCrLf "<td>" & vbCrLf For Each ChildNode In () Next "</td>" & vbCrLf "</tr>" & vbCrLf End If End If "</table>" & vbCrLf End Sub End Class Class Tree Public Top Public Left Public ExpandImage Public CollapseImage Public LeafImage Private mszPosition Private mcolChildren Public Property Let Absolute(bData) If bData Then mszPosition = "absolute" Else mszPosition = "relative" End Property Public Property Get Absolute() Absolute = CBool(mszPosition = "absolute") End Property Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set mcolChildren = ("") mnTop = 0 mnLeft = 0 mszPosition = "absolute" End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() () Set mcolChildren = Nothing End Sub Public Function CreateChild(szValue) Set CreateChild = New TreeNode = szValue = ExpandImage = CollapseImage = LeafImage + 1, CreateChild End Function Public Sub LoadTemplate(szFileName) Dim objWorkingNode Dim colNodeStack Dim fsObj, tsObj Dim szLine Dim nCurrDepth, nNextDepth Set colNodeStack = ("") Set fsObj = CreateObject("") Set tsObj = (szFileName, 1) nCurrDepth = 0 While Not nNextDepth = 1 szLine = () If nCurrDepth = 0 Then Set objWorkingNode = CreateChild(Trim(szLine)) nCurrDepth = 1 Else While Mid(szLine,nNextDepth,1) = vbTab Or Mid(szLine,nNextDepth,1) = " " nNextDepth = nNextDepth + 1 WEnd If nNextDepth > 1 Then szLine = Trim(Mid(szLine,nNextDepth)) If szLine <> "" Then If nNextDepth > nCurrDepth Then If (nCurrDepth) Then Set (nCurrDepth) = objWorkingNode Else nCurrDepth, objWorkingNode End If Set objWorkingNode = (szLine) nCurrDepth = nCurrDepth + 1 ElseIf nNextDepth <= nCurrDepth Then If nNextDepth > 1 Then nNextDepth = nNextDepth - 1 While Not (nNextDepth) And nNextDepth > 1 nNextDepth = nNextDepth - 1 WEnd Set objWorkingNode = (nNextDepth) Set objWorkingNode = (szLine) nNextDepth = nNextDepth + 1 Else Set objWorkingNode = CreateChild(szLine) End If nCurrDepth = nNextDepth End If End If End If WEnd () Set tsObj = Nothing Set fsObj = Nothing () Set colNodeStack = Nothing End Sub Public Sub Draw() AddClientScript() "<div id=""treectrl"" style=""left: " & Left & "px; top: " & Top & "px; position: " & mszPosition & ";"">" & vbCrLf "<form name=""treectrlfrm"" action=""" & ("SCRIPT_NAME") & """ method=""get"">" & vbCrLf "<table border=""0"">" & vbCrLf "<tr><td>" & vbCrLf For Each ChildNode In () Next "</td></tr>" & vbCrLf "</table>" & vbCrLf "<input type=""hidden"" name=""togglenode"" value="""">" & vbCrLf "</form>" & vbCrLf "</div>" & vbCrLf End Sub Private Sub AddClientScript() %> <script language="JavaScript"> function expandNode(szNodeName) { if( != null) { = szNodeName; (); } else { ["treectrlfrm"]. = szNodeName; ["treectrlfrm"].submit(); } } function collapseNode(szNodeName) { if( != null) { [szNodeName].value = -1; (); } else { [szNodeName].value = -1; (); } } </script> <% End Sub End Class %>
The above is all the content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study and I hope everyone will support me more.